"From High Heels to Training Wheels"

I'm a woman on the threshold of 40, a stay-at-home mother, a small business owner, an artist, and practitioner of sustainable living. I believe a woman can be fabulous at any time during the course of her life journey, and wear various hats at any given moment. I invite my readers to stop in, catch up on the latest of what transpires weekly. Various topics to cover, as each day is an adventure!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

When Is Enough Enough?

Here I am, sitting in front of the screen, coffee in hand, mind spinning, and my thoughts leaping forth. I'm disappointed. I saw a posting on a friend's Facebook page that disturbed me, along with a post on my newsfeed page that made me start questioning social media. I like the idea of keeping in touch with what my friends from various parts of the world and my life are doing but I'm starting to question the cyber environment we've come to count on.
I never got into MySpace; too many drama queens there, along with people looking to "hook up." Grow up. Facebook appeared to have more grown up vibes, so after an invite, I signed up. Now I'm seeing lots of "paste & copy," "repost," and drama that I don't think belongs there. Games that take a person's focus off of real life-I never signed in for those and refuse to do so. I know a number of people with Twitter accounts but I'm not sure I have alot to offer with "tweeting." I have a LinkedIn account, in need of updating-appears to be a more grown up type of social media environment. I've got an invite to Google+ that I have yet to answer, which now I hear that site isn't doing so well. And then I hear about links posted on Facebook-read it, too-about how to kidnap, rape, and murder your friends for fun? When does the madness stop? Have we isolated ourselves that much with social media that we fail to know what is appropriate? What happened to engaging in an actual face-to-face conversation? I know for some of us who keep in touch by way of social networking, face-to-face isn't always possible, especially if there are hundreds or thousands of miles between friends. But really? Have we forgotten what it means to truly communicate with each other? And is it really "ha-ha" funny to post garbage that someone just might take seriously and put into action?
Don't get me wrong. I post my blog posts with social media. I read about business reviews friends post. I've "liked" topics of interest to me. I've touched base with people I've not seen or heard from since high school. Social networking can be a positive place to reconnect but there are some things that just don't belong. When the environment becomes a place I don't feel like logging into, I begin to question why I'm there to begin with. This thinking prompts me to take a cyber vacation. Perhaps its time for me to leave social media down to notification via email to go in and check to see what's new. I don't mind walking away for a bit; its healthy to back off of social networking now and then. Clears the mind and helps one to refocus.
So, for those who've read my post today, I'm not throwing in the towel. Taking a vacation, to clear my mind, to refocus and to take care of business. I will be posting on my blog, posting those posts to social media, and then checking out to smell the fresh air. Life is good. I can only hope we all take time to smell what Nature begs us to re-embrace. ~Momma

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