"From High Heels to Training Wheels"

I'm a woman on the threshold of 40, a stay-at-home mother, a small business owner, an artist, and practitioner of sustainable living. I believe a woman can be fabulous at any time during the course of her life journey, and wear various hats at any given moment. I invite my readers to stop in, catch up on the latest of what transpires weekly. Various topics to cover, as each day is an adventure!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Domestic Executive Officer

That's right, there's a new sheriff in town when it comes to being called a stay-at-home mom. I like this new title; I saw something similar to it through another blogging mom. I like her interpretation of what it means to stay at home, to have those days of feeling overwhelmed with all that goes on, what doesn't get done, and how best to rise above the waters of doubt and guilt as to why things didn't get done. Not every day is perfect, there's always something that has to be done as the day unfolds and errands to run and your kids have nuclear sized meltdowns or eat several crayons just to see if they can get away with it before you catch them.... The ability for me to stay home is priceless. Some days, it feels thankless to boot. You don't get paid for all the services you provide, and if you did, you'd be making Trump money. The rewards come some day, I've heard many a mother say; note, their children have grown and gone on to live their own lives and start families or what have you. And its the memories that you'll always have, the good ones outweighing the moments of tantrums, potty training accidents, destroyed toys, and the occasional pet who cruises through to look at you like a silent tattle tail. "Wasn't me but you might want to check the kid...." As you may have noticed, its been some time since the last time I posted. This is another part of being a DEO. Sometimes, life happens that distracts you from those things you think you always have time for; now, if you live completely off a schedule, I commend you for that. I like to have an idea of what we're up for on the day, the week, the month. Yet, I also know that when your children are young, such as my almost 4 yr old preschooler & currently 9 mo old exploring crawler, you have to make room for flexibility. Otherwise, you'll lose it when things don't go as planned. I have a tendency to feel paralyzed when I feel overwhelmed by last minute change pile up but its something I continue to work on. Self improvement doesn't happen overnight; same thing with home improvement. Watch DIY Network's Renovation Realities, and you'll understand where I'm going with this. So, salute the stay-at-home mom, the domestic engineer, the domestic executive officer. She could very well be the modern version of the woman in Proverbs 31. ~Mom "If you're self-employed, how can you be out of a job?" -Jim Bob Walton

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