"From High Heels to Training Wheels"

I'm a woman on the threshold of 40, a stay-at-home mother, a small business owner, an artist, and practitioner of sustainable living. I believe a woman can be fabulous at any time during the course of her life journey, and wear various hats at any given moment. I invite my readers to stop in, catch up on the latest of what transpires weekly. Various topics to cover, as each day is an adventure!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Reclaiming Myself

I heard this yesterday when I attended my first MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting as a mother (I was a guest the first time I went to a meeting years ago). Yes, I've joined MOPS, in search of myself, possible new friends, and hopefully new friends and great experiences for my boys.
My radar was on as I left my boys with other children their ages; Tristan in one room, Zachary in another. I was anxious to leave them, wondering how they were doing. My anxiety played music on my bladder, which sent me to the ladies' room more than once. Not a bad thing, as the restrooms were within stone's throw of the playrooms. I poked my head in on each one, making sure things were going well. Tristan was more interested in exploring until he got into the room where the kids were a year younger, and with the buzz and tons more toys, he settled in better. Until he becomes more acquainted with going to our new twice-a-month adventure, he'll be with the younger group, which is fine with me for now. Zachary attached himself to a caregiver who was wonderful with him. Towards the end of the the two hours we were there, both my guys unraveled a bit, and I knowing that it was pushing towards lunch time and possible naps, readied myself with the other moms to reclaim our children and go home.
With my boys' adventure into this new territory, I myself had found-even with being in tune with my boys-a place to connect with new people. I don't remember everyone in my group (there are quite a few moms who come to this group and we are divided into groups for discussion after a speaker makes a presentation) but I do remember actually feeling like being a part of a group of women, something I've not felt in quite some time. I had this feeling when I was in my undergrad program, which sometimes feels like another lifetime ago. My college friends have gone their way, keeping in touch via the cyber world. Yet, even as I make my way through the realm of "mom of small children," I have felt alone for most of my walk at this point in sharing in today's post. I've met other moms, even a couple of dads who stay home, having the playgroup time to actually talk to another adult. Yet, when group has come to a close for that day, we all go our separate ways, not connecting outside of the group time. Its not to say that it doesn't happen, as I've heard stories of some parents connecting with each other away from group. I feel disconnected. I have kept in touch with one mom until recently, of whom I still hear bits and pieces of what she's doing now that she's the mother of two boys, just like me. That's when the light came on. Go out into the world to find others like you who are looking to connect with another adult; don't sit and wait for someone to come looking for you.
So, as I sat and listened to others answer questions about themselves, which was something we all participated in, I realized that I'm not alone. I don't have to do it all and especially trying to do it all and not connect with another mom who's like me, feeling like she's got to do it all. One of the questions I didn't get a chance to answer was what are my passions, and if I had all the time in the world, what would I do with it? Well, here's my answer. My passions lie in the world of the creative. I am an artisan by nature, genes, and family history. To name a few, I sew, knit, cook, and write; the list is never ending, as I've learned to feed my creative nature. If I had all the time in the world, I would most likely do exactly what I'm doing now: give 100% to each of my children, and as I would also have more energy, make time for myself to work on my creative outlets. Best of all, I would continue to be thankful for every precious moment I am presented with each and every day.
Yes, I now realize what is happening for me in the most recent events of 2011. I am in search of reclaiming myself. Can I do it all? Perhaps I can but I have to realize and give in to the fact that I can't do it all at once and to strive for perfection is an illusion. Its about being present, making each and every moment count. There are going to be days where things are not going to get done, go well, and the feeling of being overwhelmed will rest heavy on my shoulders. But I'm not alone. And I don't have to kill myself to reach for the ring of success. Being a mother, an urban homestead manager, and every other hat that I wear, these are not jobs. They are roles in my life as a multi-tasking woman. My life's puzzle pieces are coming into shape, manifesting into what is to become in time. ~Momma

Monday, September 26, 2011

Stop, Breathe, Refocus

September is almost over; we are now in the final week of this season-changing month. Lots of things change in September, or so it seems, other than the season and its weather patterns. Its a time for reflection, remembering, preparing. Today, I resign myself to doing just that.
Over the weekend, a friend and somewhat of a co-worker passed away. I've not seen this person in over five years. I had received a friends request from his wife awhile back on FB, and only accepted that request about a couple of weeks ago. Did I wait too long? Perhaps I could have answered earlier. I could sit here and beat myself up while writing this post, but I also know that with my train of thought, nothing happens by chance. I responded when I was supposed to. I'm not one focused on luck, chance, or coincidence. I've always believed there is purpose and reason why things happen in the time that they do.
Over that last couple of weeks, I've been tired. Zachary is teething, which I think is starting to calm down a little bit. Thankfully. Nights have been patchy with sleep, soothing a little one to sleep for himself, let alone try to catch a few winks for myself. That tired feeling has followed me throughout some of my days, and there's a list of things for me to tackle to catch up with. It feels almost like most days are catch up days lately.
We have been handed a diagnosis of Autism for Tristan. Paperwork, appointments, and phone calls have commenced over the last couple of weeks. He will be attending preschool as soon as we have everything in place that he needs; this should be in the next couple of weeks, provided I keep pushing for what he needs. I will continue to homeschool, as a supplement. I will say no more today for this piece of information; it would encompass a post in itself.
Today is my day to do what is needed, making the most of the time set aside for fun with my boys, and to go with the flow. Time to empty my churning mind and be ok with non-perfection. With that said, I will sign off early to move ahead with my day to spend more time with my children. So, remember, take time to stop, breathe, and refocus. Be ok with taking a moment to feel the warmth of the sun on your face, smell the scents of the season, listen to the laughter of small children, and embrace life for every moment it presents. ~Momma

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Book Review on a Thursday

Finally, some sunshine. Maybe short lived today, though. We'll see. The weather seems to be only about 50% perdictable. Mother Nature has a mind of her own, we shouldn't forget that.
I finally finished my first leisure book since starting my spiritual inspiration reading. The French Gardener by Santa Montefiore, an excellent read. English gardens are the backdrop to a story that weaves the lives of the past with the present, laced with infidelity, romance, family, and life realities. Two families, with a parent who's gone most of the time for work purposes. The family of the past, the children are center piece; the family of the present, the children are taken care of by nannies while mom and pop strive for their own individual goals. The yarn that pulls these two families together? The gardener. A French man born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he comes to the first family to learn the craft of gardening. Seasons change, he and the wife commence with an adulterous affair. He leaves before the year is over, upon discovery by his parents of what is happening during his stay at the English estate. Almost 30 years pass before he returns to the estate; he's returned for his love. Instead, he finds a family in need of love. Children starved for the attention of their parents as opposed to the endless stream of gifts to keep them happy. A scrapbook of his first stay at the estate establishes the ebb and flow of the chapters between the past and the present. In the end, although he has lost his love (she died two years prior to his return to the English estate), he has gained the love child he never knew about. The family of the present? After months of establishing themselves in the estate, an affair discovered and time apart, they come together to let go of the past, forgive and start over. The parents discover there is no greater love than that of your children, that when you begin a family, your endeavors and personal goals step aside for the priceless moments presented through your children's presence. They are not novelties, they are the most important part of your life as their parent.
As I read the last page, it made me think of how important my children are to me. I love my boys very much. I would do anything for them, whatever it takes to make sure they have what they really need in life. Love, security, and the knowledge that my attention is far more important than any gadget or "new" toy out there on the market. I love the fact my guys love to be outside, love to run and play, love to read. Yes, they like their toys, and do play with them. But what seems to have a higher importance to them is when I sit with them to read a book, or just snuggle together and I talk to them about different things in life. I'm glad I'm older and a parent; this is my time to be "Mommy." Yes, I still have goals, dreams, and ambitions. Yet, those are second to what is my top priority: Tristan and Zachary.
Today, I go ahead with the openness of just going with the flow. If the weather holds out, we'll be at the park. If not, we'll stick close to home. Maybe we'll just go with the ebb and flow of the tides of the day and see what happens. The schedule is there, but its ok to be flexible. I started early here today, so I finish early here today. Best wishes for a great Thursday! ~Momma

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Day After a Good Rant

Another morning of overcast, drizzle, and cool temps. Supposed to warm up and burn off with sunshine sometime today, which will be a blessing when it gets here.
Yesterday, I had a moment to rant. I believe, and I'm sure there are others who would feel the same, I had reason to do so. I don't go around ranting about politics and/or religion but when I see something that doesn't look or sound right, I speak up. I start out with scanning the irratation, roll my eyes up at it, ignore it, delete it, and then it just gets settled under my skin like a tick. That's when I have to voice and clear my mind. Now that I've done so, its cleared my mind to refocus where I need to be. Appointments, errands, emails, phone calls, etc....to have to tackle, aside from the daily tasks of housekeeping, homeschooling, and trying to make time for the list of "not a top priority" things to take on. The day in the life of the typical yet not typical SAHM (stay-at-home-mom).
I've still a bit of tasks to complete today, an appointment in the afternoon. My nights have been settled with a good book I'm trying to finish reading, aside from thinking about how nice it would be to get into my sewing projects. I'm hell-bent to dive in. I'll get there, I'm sure of it.
The bell is going off to move to the next level of my day, which encompasses a shower, getting the boys dressed for the day, school stuff with Tristan, and hopefully a nap for Zach. A semi-deep clean of the living room, and hopefully something fun for the boys to do today. Starting dinner around 2 pm, letting that cook while focused on whatever it is I need to at that time. So, ladies, as we move along with the day, remember to stay flexible. Last minute changes won't seem so heavy while carrying today's load. ~Momma

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

When Is Enough Enough?

Here I am, sitting in front of the screen, coffee in hand, mind spinning, and my thoughts leaping forth. I'm disappointed. I saw a posting on a friend's Facebook page that disturbed me, along with a post on my newsfeed page that made me start questioning social media. I like the idea of keeping in touch with what my friends from various parts of the world and my life are doing but I'm starting to question the cyber environment we've come to count on.
I never got into MySpace; too many drama queens there, along with people looking to "hook up." Grow up. Facebook appeared to have more grown up vibes, so after an invite, I signed up. Now I'm seeing lots of "paste & copy," "repost," and drama that I don't think belongs there. Games that take a person's focus off of real life-I never signed in for those and refuse to do so. I know a number of people with Twitter accounts but I'm not sure I have alot to offer with "tweeting." I have a LinkedIn account, in need of updating-appears to be a more grown up type of social media environment. I've got an invite to Google+ that I have yet to answer, which now I hear that site isn't doing so well. And then I hear about links posted on Facebook-read it, too-about how to kidnap, rape, and murder your friends for fun? When does the madness stop? Have we isolated ourselves that much with social media that we fail to know what is appropriate? What happened to engaging in an actual face-to-face conversation? I know for some of us who keep in touch by way of social networking, face-to-face isn't always possible, especially if there are hundreds or thousands of miles between friends. But really? Have we forgotten what it means to truly communicate with each other? And is it really "ha-ha" funny to post garbage that someone just might take seriously and put into action?
Don't get me wrong. I post my blog posts with social media. I read about business reviews friends post. I've "liked" topics of interest to me. I've touched base with people I've not seen or heard from since high school. Social networking can be a positive place to reconnect but there are some things that just don't belong. When the environment becomes a place I don't feel like logging into, I begin to question why I'm there to begin with. This thinking prompts me to take a cyber vacation. Perhaps its time for me to leave social media down to notification via email to go in and check to see what's new. I don't mind walking away for a bit; its healthy to back off of social networking now and then. Clears the mind and helps one to refocus.
So, for those who've read my post today, I'm not throwing in the towel. Taking a vacation, to clear my mind, to refocus and to take care of business. I will be posting on my blog, posting those posts to social media, and then checking out to smell the fresh air. Life is good. I can only hope we all take time to smell what Nature begs us to re-embrace. ~Momma

Monday, September 19, 2011

Four Days Before The Equinox

Another Monday in September here. Four days before the Autumnal Equinox, and lots to do. Good thing today is a catch up/relaxed type of day for the boys and I. I try to keep Mondays and Fridays as days where we can make plans but go with the flow and not worry if we didn't follow the day to the letter. Not every day should be so regimented that you can't have changes that you can't deal with. My guys are good about routines and in the swing of going with the flow; a change here and there is not bad and they bounce along with it. If its a complete disaster of a day, there's crying and tantrums. Right now, they're playing with trains, dabbling with breakfast.
Its another list day. Make a running list of things to do but with the intention of spreading it out over the week so as not to feel overwhelmed by it all. I'm also starting a mental list of writing topics, as I notice my posts here are starting to look like "Dear Diary......" Schedule, darling, schedule. Its ok for me to set a schedule for myself and keep myself in check with my day; just keep it fun for the boys. And remember, have fun with them while they're having fun, Momma. Its so important.
Even though I'm early with my post, I'm keeping it short so I can keep up with my day today. I love to sit and empty my head in the mornings, its a relief from thinking all day and half the night. Just as much as I love to sit and write, as I've learned to work it into my day, I love to get moving and get things done to be able to go do the things we love to do best: have fun. My boys will not be little forever, and there will come a day when they may shy away from me hugging and kissing them in public. They will grow and one day not want me to kiss the boo-boo's and reassure them that it's all good. Ahhh.....being a parent is a committment. Sometimes, it feels like a thankless job you're not getting paid for. Yet, I would never take it back. I would never change my mind about being a mom. I love my boys.
So, here's to today and the smiles with laughter. The endless possibilities of what and where, how and why. Make each day count, live today like its your last day. ~Momma

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday in September

The seasons are changing; the heat is on here in the house, our preparations to close up windows to avoid escaping warmth has begun. One transition signals another, and life continues to move along at its pace. Coffee in hand, warm quick breads and muffins for breakfast. I love this time of year; not too hot, not too cold. Just right, Goldielocks.
My mind is filled once again today, seems to be so each morning. Maybe I need a dream catcher to suck up some of the dust of thinking but I believe those only work on dreams; at least that's what I've always been told. My ambition list looms in front of me, and my desire to procrastinate battles for top spot. Time to enforce meditation, for sure.
Tristan is starting a new class on Sunday through our church. I'm excited about it because of the Montessori approach to learning and being present in the room. I feel he'll do well once he and the other kiddos settle into how the hour goes and what they will come to learn each week. I'll be with him during the hour, more so as a classroom aide to assist with the teachers and the other children; I don't want to hover with Tristan but as his mother, being there to help will give me the opportunity watch how he'll grow. Observation without making it look like observation.
Speaking of classes, our local library is offering free, non-credit courses (through the state's department of libraries). As a member of the library, I can sign up for as many classes as I want, and they give you six months to complete the courses. I signed up for two, just to give it a shot. I figure it gives me an idea of what to expect with online learning, especially as I am ambitious to go back to school but really can only do it online. This could be good.
Yeah, I sound like someone putting alot of pokers in the fire of my life, but as each day comes, as time unfolds how my boys learn and how I adjust to meeting their needs, I find time to add. I also have been finding those moments to subtract. I'm scaling back on my time with Facebook, which I've really not been there all that often lately. Between doing new things with the boys, getting ready to close up gardens and move into new activities for the colder months to come, I'm just not finding the desire to go there like before. I have other ways to keep in touch with people, which I find refreshing. Change is good. I'm also getting more involved with other moms I'm meeting in the local area, so my focus is changing yet again. Like I said, change is good.
Well, the bell for my time is ringing; that would be Zachary giving me the cue he needs me. So, here's to Fridays and the potential for what they hold for each of us. ~Momma

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How Many More Days of Summer?

Wednesday morning speaks of afternoon cool temps after a brief show of summer weather. A day to enjoy, and that's my goal. I notice my boys are starting to droop into naps in the afternoons these days, and aside from the knowledge that Tristan may stay up later than usual, the quiet time in the afternoon is welcome. There' s potential today.
So, here I sit, bags sitting on the table next to my laptop, and my mind is swirling with ideas. Yeah, the thinking woman. Depending on how today pans out with rest time for the boys, I may try to get into some sewing. I have an idea for a mini project, and I want to try it out on my sewing machine. Almost craving it. Feed the need, right?
I feel wired, so my post today is brief. I want to make the most of today, as we are edging closer to Autumn and its wonder; I love the change of season and what happens while the temps drop, there's frost in the mornings, and the leaves change colors and fall from the trees. Days of warm cider, sweaters pulled out to wear to the park, and that sense of change and getting ready for Winter. Yes, its that time of year again.
Enjoy your pre-autumnal day! ~Momma

Monday, September 12, 2011

At It Again

Sometimes, I think Monday comes too quickly. Here we are, another week started and already in the midst of catch up and diving in headfirst for the busy week ahead. Errands, appointments, places to go....sometimes, it seems like it never ends. Today is a catch up day, along with prepping for the rest of the week. Household tasks, a soap order to fill, and best of all, to make sure my boys have fun today. If anything counts the most, its how I make use of the day for them. Everything else is peanuts.
My youngest sister's dad placed a soap order late last week, and its today to put it together and send him the details per email. Once I get his payment, then I can send it to him. Not a bad way to get back into business. I've been thinking how to get going again, and the order I fill today just may be the ticket. When nights of teething and days of high energy cloud your brain with hyperactive fuzz, you have a tendency to run on auto-pilot.
I'm back on my reading list again. I say "list", even though its actually "lists." Research & writing list, spiritually inspiring, and leisure. Add one more? No. Oh, wait. I do have another to add. Hereditary craft. Baby on one hip, nose in a book, stirring a pot on the stove, schooling a preschooler....picturesque. My new crafting list is starting with sewing, one of my favorite past times. I'm actually getting into learning to pattern, something I never really got into. Good a time as any, I suppose. I will be photographing this new "poker in the fire," so stay tuned. I'm excited.
I went to AC MOORE last night for their moonlight madness sale and won a $15 gift card while there. Set me up to pick up a few things, even though I was only there to pick up yarn that someone else bought before I got there. Poo, I thought. Then, I realized that it was ok to miss out on that opportunity and create space and an open mind for what I did pick up while there. Tracing paper and a set of pencils just for pattern making, knitting needles and a crochet hook that light up-yes, I said light up-clearance yarn to make a pillow for the sofa, and a Paula Deen recipe journal (make your own cookbook?). Not a bad shopping experience. And of course, coupons for the next week to two weeks.
My mind is swirling with ideas and thoughts, almost like a traffic jam in NYC. Horns beeping, drivers shouting out windows. Everyone wants to be heard....no, my name is not Cybil. Just the typical thinking woman; always thinking. My surface cleaning is done for the morning, my boys eating breakfast, coffee in one hand while checking my post for errors. I'm itching to get started on new things, finish the unfinished, and somehow find the time to breathe and keep me going to keep everyone and everything else going; if I don't take care of me, how do I take care of everyone else? Self care is so important.
So, with that in mind, let's get this party started for the week. We're off and running like a shot out of a gun. And if I play my cards right, I might get a couple of little ones to relax this afternoon. There's always hope. ~Momma

Friday, September 9, 2011

Book Review and on the Run

Here's to Friday! Sometimes, I wonder why I get excited about today, as I don't work a 9-5, don't worry about what to wear to work on Fridays, and don't wonder what my weekends will become. Old habit, I guess.
I finally finished "A Woman's Book of Meditation," which I have some pages to copy off before taking back to the library. Good piece, I have to add. As I started my reading, I wasn't sure if I would stay committed to finishing the book; in the past, I've started a book about meditation without finishing and feeling like I wasted my time. Not so this time. Perhaps because this was focused on women? Perhaps. When a specific focus group is the mainstay of a piece like this one, maybe it takes a different tone as opposed to a general audience.
I also wasn't sure about the approach to meditating. I'm not one to sit still for very long, and if I do, its because I'm into a book I can't put down, working on some type of fiber art, or getting ready to nod off. Empty my mind of all the crazy, busy buzz of the world? You have to be kidding, right? Nope. No joke. There are several different mantras to work through, depending on what you're working with to get into your meditative state. Need only 5 mins? There is time. Want to sit for 2 1/2 hrs? Go for it-if you have the room to do so.
I also came across two very interesting points throughout my reading. Meditation doesn't belong to any one particular group of people. It belongs to us all, universally. It doesn't interfere with religious preferences either. And if you think about that one, didn't Buddha, Muhammad, and Jesus Christ meditate? Meditation can be used as a way of opening yourself to listening for the answers to your prayers/petitions. If we just take the time to still our bodies, calm our minds, and allow even a minute's worth of time to have a sense of peace. I'm not here to upset the apple cart, only to add my point of view to a sense of awareness to one's connection to all that is. We are all connected.
The second interesting point I found was a small diddy about neurotheology (the study of how yoga, religion, and meditation affect the functioning of the brain). I investigated further, by way of the 'net, which after sifting through the rubble, I found my way back to transpersonal psychology; I looked into this field years ago, while finishing my undergrad. After the passing of my grandmother earlier this year, some interesting transpiring elements to color my palette, I find myself looking at this field again. And the best part is, I can do this online. I will be praying and meditating about this one, as I have about some other things in my life, too. And as a tidbit, with my EAT-PRAY-LOVE quest, I am looking into making a mala; after discovering it contains 108 beads, this will be a meditation in itself.
So, ladies, don't be afraid to meditate. I still find my meditation through needlework, but giving it a try to find that still, calm moment. I'm onto my next spiritually inspiring book, which is about the shadow self and how it affects our daily lives. More to report on this later, as I'll be giving a review of it as well. PS-there's visual art & journal exercises in this one. More meditation? Perhaps. ~Momma

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Coming Into My Own

Looking to be another rainy day today; we'll take what we can get and make the best of it. I only wish the rains here on the East Coast would fall on Texas, as it is burning. Sad.
This outline of a day seems to work well for me; at least I know what is going on every hour. I don't want my day to be scheduled every second, so I treat it like a running grocery list; hit every aisle and realize you forgot the cat food when you get home to unpack the bags. Hey, it happens. Not every day is going to be perfect, so live and let live.
I'm getting back into my knitting these days, and enjoying the spare moments and nap times of being able to add a few rows here and there with whatever project I grab for the time. I have a few projects running, so I have a variety to choose from. Once we go to the library this weekend, I'll be working on other stuff, too. Yeah, busy girl...busy momma.
I've compiled a list of books to check out based on my creative outlets surrounding fiber, beads, etc...what a list. Not all books are instructional, I did find some fiction as well. Yeah, fiction with the arts as a backdrop to the main line of the story. Cool. Oh, my list? Check it out-just highlights.

-Knitting & Crocheting
-Needlework (whatever doesn't cover sewing, knitting, & crocheting)
-Jewelry making
-Crafting (whatever doesn't cover the above bullets)

I have a pretty good list of books, many to choose from. To avoid overload, I've decided to work on each list, a little at a time. Example, I'll take an instructional book from sewing, along with the one fiction piece to accompany it. Each outlet has fiction as well as instructional, so I'll be entertained while learning and/or enhancing my craft. Being a descendant from a long line of artisans, I feel a sense of pride for handiwork. I love running my hands over hand tooled craftsmanship, sensing the time and love going into that piece. I love handcarved furniture but that's not an area of specialty for me; shop class in high school didn't go well for me.
As I let my mind empty with my thoughts here on my post, I realize my part in being sustainable is right in front of me. My craft is what sustains me, among other elements of my life. Those things that don't cost a cent, that's what sustains me. And I finally feel I'm coming into my own with my craft. Harnessing the talent of my craft to sustain us here on the urban homestead. Imagine it. ~Momma

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Catching Up and Diving In, Part Two

Here I am, another day of catch up; not so bad this time, as I won't have several days to cram into one. Just a day or two to cram into one. Seems like it might be easier, no? Well, there have been some changes here at home that are showing the benefits-even in this early stage-of organization. Maybe being a little more organized isn't so bad....
This week, I've started a trial run on a daily schedule. Getting up in the early AM hours with my little one, Zachary. He's an early bird, and when he wakes up with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye, you know he's ready to rock and roll for the day. Wish I could wake up like that; thinking back, I've never been much of a morning person. So, I get up by 6 or 6:15 AM at the latest. Coffee on, working through breakfast, lunch for my mate to take to work, going over the plans for the day. One on one time with Zach, my surface cleaning in 30 mins, and by this time, Tristan has gotten up and we're all crowded around to find out what's new in the world through the local news channel. Daddy off to work, the boys and I move forward with the day. I sit to write, get interrupted here and there, but its all good. Shower and dress for the day, get the boys dressed. School time for Tristan, then onto free play and good times with both. Lunch around the noon hour, relax and reading while munching. An hour of quiet time, regardless of naps or no naps. Dinner prep after the hour is up, play time with the boys (if they're awake), and then dinner for them; they like to eat between 4:15 and 5:30 PM at the latest. I try to grab a bite to eat with them, along with any clean up that I didn't do in the morning-sometimes, the living room is such a wreck from playing that I feel the need for a mini bulldozer to clear it all out. Big dinner when the man gets home, clean up while the boys get their time with Daddy. Play time with the boys, bathes to follow. Moving toward that magic hour of settling down for the night, stories to read and drawing the curtains for the day. Then, one by one, eyes begin to close, mouths heavy with yawns....sometimes, I'm right along with them to fall asleep. Otherwise, then it becomes my time to work. I have a two hour block of time to work on writing, sewing, fiber arts (knitting and what have you), or to just read some nights. If I choose knitting, then I can sit and catch a movie with my mate. In the real world, I pass out alongside Tristan while I'm reading extra bedtime stories but my goal is to be able to work for a bit before bedtime. And now that my mate has some heavy duty studying to start up this month, it will have to become a ritual for us to get our focus on. Team motivation....it could work.....
So, there's my day. Did you fall asleep while the credits were rolling? Was it all a blur? Well, today we're a busy lot here. I have two weeks of menus to plug into Word and print off, new paper to hang. Pics to take of it and post here for my next talk on menu planning and shopping. We're having a rainy day today, so I have to set things up so we can have our rainy day play and a movie. I have to shop for raincoats for my kids so we can go out in the rain instead of staying inside; when I was growing up, there were few days I was inside to play. And my boys love to be outside, regardless of the weather. I may have to do Red Bull shots to stay awake tonight-joking-so I can work on something tonight. Which reminds me that I need to set up a list of things needed to be worked on, that way I can prioritize and pick away at. "How Does She Do It All?" is a movie I'm going to have to see. That's my life, even if I work from home and not away in some office somewhere. Here's to busy, rainy, catch up days and to the women who do too much on a daily basis. May our insane motivation to conquer the world continue. ~Momma

Friday, September 2, 2011

Time Flies

Wow, I've been away longer than I first anticipated but have no regrets for it just the same. We are now into September, barely, and I'm looking forward to the Fall weather and the days of preparing the gardens to rest. Our harvest is not quite the yield I'd hoped for this year but I'm not giving up; there's still the harvest yet to come. I'm now in the season of canning and preserving, so my focus has turned slightly. Also planting for next spring as the months roll along; yes, there's much to be done yet.
Homeschool adventures are ready to start back up again on the more serious note but with more play and fun this time; funny how it can take some time to figure out what works for your child and find the willingness to let go of what doesn't. Tristan, that's my preschooler, he's now 4 yrs old and he's a sponge for learning. My reserved child, he takes in his environment, studying on the visual level (very carefully) before jumping into anything. We went to a homeschool "Not Back to School" picnic yesterday, and it was great to see both of my boys play with children they only met yesterday. I found some materials to use, chatted with a couple of moms, and then after a swim in the lake, we headed for home to wash the sand out of every crevice it has a way of finding its way into. I'm looking forward to this year's learning, as I've learned to relax with teaching a bit, have trips planned, and researching projects and events. We will be attending new groups as well; I have a feeling my kiddos have gotten bored with the routine of places we've been going to for some time now. New adventures, here we come!
I'm back to reading again after a few days off, and in need of catching up with my spiritual enlightening list, my research list, and my leisure list. And speaking of books, we're changing our library day around. I know my boys love the library but have grown bored of going to "hear" story time and hang out; try keeping two boys who love the outdoors inside while its beautiful outside. Ever walk an untrained Great Dane on a silk thread? My passion for the written word is regaining steam, and finding time to read has its moments. Yet, as I'm finding myself drifting from the mindlessness of tv and movies, I'd rather have my nose in a book. I read to my kids, I read to learn something new for them and/or myself, and finally, finding time to read for enjoyment and clearing my mind. And my list of books I want to take from the library is growing; I keep a running list on paper and also my Color Notes on my phone. Forget it if I go through with going back to one of the biggest libraries in the area; their selection is so huge, it would take years to go through the shelves. Lastly, my addiction to finding free books that I can't pass up is growing. Yeap, I think the book exchange page could help.
Today, we're just going with the flow. I have to finish Tristan's calendar, things to take care of, tasks to complete, and best of all, we are leaving the biggest part of the day for fun. What other way is there to spend Friday? So, here's to Friday, to September, and to the days of Fall. Enjoy!
