"From High Heels to Training Wheels"

I'm a woman on the threshold of 40, a stay-at-home mother, a small business owner, an artist, and practitioner of sustainable living. I believe a woman can be fabulous at any time during the course of her life journey, and wear various hats at any given moment. I invite my readers to stop in, catch up on the latest of what transpires weekly. Various topics to cover, as each day is an adventure!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Heralding a Frost for Tonight

We are surely in the midst of Autumn. The weather forecast for overnight is talking a frost, the first official for the season-? I feel as though I'm starting to settle into the next two and a half months before the Winter Solstice, once again picking up the gauntlett of organizing and facing the welcome challenges of change. I feel the urgency of my summer nature to run and play, yet also feel the indulgence of hibernation trying to set in. How does this Momma Bear hibernate with the high energy cubs running underfoot? Perhaps it more about the shift from one season of activities to the next season and what it has to offer for activities.
The online classes I've started taking are starting to settle in for me; I worked on notes and reading last night for my Autism 101 class, along with picking up what I needed to get started with Behavior Management 101 class. The third class I've signed up for is about Special Education; these three classes work together, feeding information for me in the months to come. I have six months to complete these courses but I don't foresee it taking that long to do so. Thursdays are set aside to turn in class assignments, take quizzes, and take a small break before starting the next lesson in the plan. So far, I'm liking what I'm doing.
Yes, if you've guessed by now, I'm into another schedule of sorts to make things work here on the homestead. Appointments, errands, seasonal changes and temporary completion of gardening, along with trying to move into the list of things I want to tackle; I've learned to make a short list and a long list of things to focus on. What I like about doing things this way? My short list is about immediate and high priority goals. My long list is about long term goals. After making the decision to truly examine my life, my goals, etc....it made sense to do so. I'm in my second week of working with this new concept (its new to me), and so far, so good.
Another rainy day, another day to clean a little deeper. I'm waiting for the sunshine so I can take my boys to the park, let them run around and tire out; maybe I need to run around to tire out. But my mom gene will kick on, and I'll be running on auto-pilot. Oh boy....
So, as we move deeper into Autumn, and we transition from the high level energy run of enjoying the good weather and into the moments of contemplation and reflection, do we fall off the tree like the leaves? I'd like to think I drop my summer green to embrace the red and gold of my inquisitive nature. I'm embracing the meaning of letting go and loosen my grip of control on matters that are out of my hands. Perhaps I'm learning something of value for another time yet to come. My life plans are in front of me but its by Divine Design. Buddha said to go with the flow of the river instead of fighting the current-not quite the exact words but its what I remember from the days of walking the grounds of the Temple area in the town where I grew up and my grandparents live. Grafton Peace Pagoda....a place of contemplation and reflection. Have a great day and a splendid week before we meet again to chat. ~Momma

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Reclaiming Myself

I heard this yesterday when I attended my first MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting as a mother (I was a guest the first time I went to a meeting years ago). Yes, I've joined MOPS, in search of myself, possible new friends, and hopefully new friends and great experiences for my boys.
My radar was on as I left my boys with other children their ages; Tristan in one room, Zachary in another. I was anxious to leave them, wondering how they were doing. My anxiety played music on my bladder, which sent me to the ladies' room more than once. Not a bad thing, as the restrooms were within stone's throw of the playrooms. I poked my head in on each one, making sure things were going well. Tristan was more interested in exploring until he got into the room where the kids were a year younger, and with the buzz and tons more toys, he settled in better. Until he becomes more acquainted with going to our new twice-a-month adventure, he'll be with the younger group, which is fine with me for now. Zachary attached himself to a caregiver who was wonderful with him. Towards the end of the the two hours we were there, both my guys unraveled a bit, and I knowing that it was pushing towards lunch time and possible naps, readied myself with the other moms to reclaim our children and go home.
With my boys' adventure into this new territory, I myself had found-even with being in tune with my boys-a place to connect with new people. I don't remember everyone in my group (there are quite a few moms who come to this group and we are divided into groups for discussion after a speaker makes a presentation) but I do remember actually feeling like being a part of a group of women, something I've not felt in quite some time. I had this feeling when I was in my undergrad program, which sometimes feels like another lifetime ago. My college friends have gone their way, keeping in touch via the cyber world. Yet, even as I make my way through the realm of "mom of small children," I have felt alone for most of my walk at this point in sharing in today's post. I've met other moms, even a couple of dads who stay home, having the playgroup time to actually talk to another adult. Yet, when group has come to a close for that day, we all go our separate ways, not connecting outside of the group time. Its not to say that it doesn't happen, as I've heard stories of some parents connecting with each other away from group. I feel disconnected. I have kept in touch with one mom until recently, of whom I still hear bits and pieces of what she's doing now that she's the mother of two boys, just like me. That's when the light came on. Go out into the world to find others like you who are looking to connect with another adult; don't sit and wait for someone to come looking for you.
So, as I sat and listened to others answer questions about themselves, which was something we all participated in, I realized that I'm not alone. I don't have to do it all and especially trying to do it all and not connect with another mom who's like me, feeling like she's got to do it all. One of the questions I didn't get a chance to answer was what are my passions, and if I had all the time in the world, what would I do with it? Well, here's my answer. My passions lie in the world of the creative. I am an artisan by nature, genes, and family history. To name a few, I sew, knit, cook, and write; the list is never ending, as I've learned to feed my creative nature. If I had all the time in the world, I would most likely do exactly what I'm doing now: give 100% to each of my children, and as I would also have more energy, make time for myself to work on my creative outlets. Best of all, I would continue to be thankful for every precious moment I am presented with each and every day.
Yes, I now realize what is happening for me in the most recent events of 2011. I am in search of reclaiming myself. Can I do it all? Perhaps I can but I have to realize and give in to the fact that I can't do it all at once and to strive for perfection is an illusion. Its about being present, making each and every moment count. There are going to be days where things are not going to get done, go well, and the feeling of being overwhelmed will rest heavy on my shoulders. But I'm not alone. And I don't have to kill myself to reach for the ring of success. Being a mother, an urban homestead manager, and every other hat that I wear, these are not jobs. They are roles in my life as a multi-tasking woman. My life's puzzle pieces are coming into shape, manifesting into what is to become in time. ~Momma

Monday, September 26, 2011

Stop, Breathe, Refocus

September is almost over; we are now in the final week of this season-changing month. Lots of things change in September, or so it seems, other than the season and its weather patterns. Its a time for reflection, remembering, preparing. Today, I resign myself to doing just that.
Over the weekend, a friend and somewhat of a co-worker passed away. I've not seen this person in over five years. I had received a friends request from his wife awhile back on FB, and only accepted that request about a couple of weeks ago. Did I wait too long? Perhaps I could have answered earlier. I could sit here and beat myself up while writing this post, but I also know that with my train of thought, nothing happens by chance. I responded when I was supposed to. I'm not one focused on luck, chance, or coincidence. I've always believed there is purpose and reason why things happen in the time that they do.
Over that last couple of weeks, I've been tired. Zachary is teething, which I think is starting to calm down a little bit. Thankfully. Nights have been patchy with sleep, soothing a little one to sleep for himself, let alone try to catch a few winks for myself. That tired feeling has followed me throughout some of my days, and there's a list of things for me to tackle to catch up with. It feels almost like most days are catch up days lately.
We have been handed a diagnosis of Autism for Tristan. Paperwork, appointments, and phone calls have commenced over the last couple of weeks. He will be attending preschool as soon as we have everything in place that he needs; this should be in the next couple of weeks, provided I keep pushing for what he needs. I will continue to homeschool, as a supplement. I will say no more today for this piece of information; it would encompass a post in itself.
Today is my day to do what is needed, making the most of the time set aside for fun with my boys, and to go with the flow. Time to empty my churning mind and be ok with non-perfection. With that said, I will sign off early to move ahead with my day to spend more time with my children. So, remember, take time to stop, breathe, and refocus. Be ok with taking a moment to feel the warmth of the sun on your face, smell the scents of the season, listen to the laughter of small children, and embrace life for every moment it presents. ~Momma

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Book Review on a Thursday

Finally, some sunshine. Maybe short lived today, though. We'll see. The weather seems to be only about 50% perdictable. Mother Nature has a mind of her own, we shouldn't forget that.
I finally finished my first leisure book since starting my spiritual inspiration reading. The French Gardener by Santa Montefiore, an excellent read. English gardens are the backdrop to a story that weaves the lives of the past with the present, laced with infidelity, romance, family, and life realities. Two families, with a parent who's gone most of the time for work purposes. The family of the past, the children are center piece; the family of the present, the children are taken care of by nannies while mom and pop strive for their own individual goals. The yarn that pulls these two families together? The gardener. A French man born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he comes to the first family to learn the craft of gardening. Seasons change, he and the wife commence with an adulterous affair. He leaves before the year is over, upon discovery by his parents of what is happening during his stay at the English estate. Almost 30 years pass before he returns to the estate; he's returned for his love. Instead, he finds a family in need of love. Children starved for the attention of their parents as opposed to the endless stream of gifts to keep them happy. A scrapbook of his first stay at the estate establishes the ebb and flow of the chapters between the past and the present. In the end, although he has lost his love (she died two years prior to his return to the English estate), he has gained the love child he never knew about. The family of the present? After months of establishing themselves in the estate, an affair discovered and time apart, they come together to let go of the past, forgive and start over. The parents discover there is no greater love than that of your children, that when you begin a family, your endeavors and personal goals step aside for the priceless moments presented through your children's presence. They are not novelties, they are the most important part of your life as their parent.
As I read the last page, it made me think of how important my children are to me. I love my boys very much. I would do anything for them, whatever it takes to make sure they have what they really need in life. Love, security, and the knowledge that my attention is far more important than any gadget or "new" toy out there on the market. I love the fact my guys love to be outside, love to run and play, love to read. Yes, they like their toys, and do play with them. But what seems to have a higher importance to them is when I sit with them to read a book, or just snuggle together and I talk to them about different things in life. I'm glad I'm older and a parent; this is my time to be "Mommy." Yes, I still have goals, dreams, and ambitions. Yet, those are second to what is my top priority: Tristan and Zachary.
Today, I go ahead with the openness of just going with the flow. If the weather holds out, we'll be at the park. If not, we'll stick close to home. Maybe we'll just go with the ebb and flow of the tides of the day and see what happens. The schedule is there, but its ok to be flexible. I started early here today, so I finish early here today. Best wishes for a great Thursday! ~Momma

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Day After a Good Rant

Another morning of overcast, drizzle, and cool temps. Supposed to warm up and burn off with sunshine sometime today, which will be a blessing when it gets here.
Yesterday, I had a moment to rant. I believe, and I'm sure there are others who would feel the same, I had reason to do so. I don't go around ranting about politics and/or religion but when I see something that doesn't look or sound right, I speak up. I start out with scanning the irratation, roll my eyes up at it, ignore it, delete it, and then it just gets settled under my skin like a tick. That's when I have to voice and clear my mind. Now that I've done so, its cleared my mind to refocus where I need to be. Appointments, errands, emails, phone calls, etc....to have to tackle, aside from the daily tasks of housekeeping, homeschooling, and trying to make time for the list of "not a top priority" things to take on. The day in the life of the typical yet not typical SAHM (stay-at-home-mom).
I've still a bit of tasks to complete today, an appointment in the afternoon. My nights have been settled with a good book I'm trying to finish reading, aside from thinking about how nice it would be to get into my sewing projects. I'm hell-bent to dive in. I'll get there, I'm sure of it.
The bell is going off to move to the next level of my day, which encompasses a shower, getting the boys dressed for the day, school stuff with Tristan, and hopefully a nap for Zach. A semi-deep clean of the living room, and hopefully something fun for the boys to do today. Starting dinner around 2 pm, letting that cook while focused on whatever it is I need to at that time. So, ladies, as we move along with the day, remember to stay flexible. Last minute changes won't seem so heavy while carrying today's load. ~Momma

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

When Is Enough Enough?

Here I am, sitting in front of the screen, coffee in hand, mind spinning, and my thoughts leaping forth. I'm disappointed. I saw a posting on a friend's Facebook page that disturbed me, along with a post on my newsfeed page that made me start questioning social media. I like the idea of keeping in touch with what my friends from various parts of the world and my life are doing but I'm starting to question the cyber environment we've come to count on.
I never got into MySpace; too many drama queens there, along with people looking to "hook up." Grow up. Facebook appeared to have more grown up vibes, so after an invite, I signed up. Now I'm seeing lots of "paste & copy," "repost," and drama that I don't think belongs there. Games that take a person's focus off of real life-I never signed in for those and refuse to do so. I know a number of people with Twitter accounts but I'm not sure I have alot to offer with "tweeting." I have a LinkedIn account, in need of updating-appears to be a more grown up type of social media environment. I've got an invite to Google+ that I have yet to answer, which now I hear that site isn't doing so well. And then I hear about links posted on Facebook-read it, too-about how to kidnap, rape, and murder your friends for fun? When does the madness stop? Have we isolated ourselves that much with social media that we fail to know what is appropriate? What happened to engaging in an actual face-to-face conversation? I know for some of us who keep in touch by way of social networking, face-to-face isn't always possible, especially if there are hundreds or thousands of miles between friends. But really? Have we forgotten what it means to truly communicate with each other? And is it really "ha-ha" funny to post garbage that someone just might take seriously and put into action?
Don't get me wrong. I post my blog posts with social media. I read about business reviews friends post. I've "liked" topics of interest to me. I've touched base with people I've not seen or heard from since high school. Social networking can be a positive place to reconnect but there are some things that just don't belong. When the environment becomes a place I don't feel like logging into, I begin to question why I'm there to begin with. This thinking prompts me to take a cyber vacation. Perhaps its time for me to leave social media down to notification via email to go in and check to see what's new. I don't mind walking away for a bit; its healthy to back off of social networking now and then. Clears the mind and helps one to refocus.
So, for those who've read my post today, I'm not throwing in the towel. Taking a vacation, to clear my mind, to refocus and to take care of business. I will be posting on my blog, posting those posts to social media, and then checking out to smell the fresh air. Life is good. I can only hope we all take time to smell what Nature begs us to re-embrace. ~Momma

Monday, September 19, 2011

Four Days Before The Equinox

Another Monday in September here. Four days before the Autumnal Equinox, and lots to do. Good thing today is a catch up/relaxed type of day for the boys and I. I try to keep Mondays and Fridays as days where we can make plans but go with the flow and not worry if we didn't follow the day to the letter. Not every day should be so regimented that you can't have changes that you can't deal with. My guys are good about routines and in the swing of going with the flow; a change here and there is not bad and they bounce along with it. If its a complete disaster of a day, there's crying and tantrums. Right now, they're playing with trains, dabbling with breakfast.
Its another list day. Make a running list of things to do but with the intention of spreading it out over the week so as not to feel overwhelmed by it all. I'm also starting a mental list of writing topics, as I notice my posts here are starting to look like "Dear Diary......" Schedule, darling, schedule. Its ok for me to set a schedule for myself and keep myself in check with my day; just keep it fun for the boys. And remember, have fun with them while they're having fun, Momma. Its so important.
Even though I'm early with my post, I'm keeping it short so I can keep up with my day today. I love to sit and empty my head in the mornings, its a relief from thinking all day and half the night. Just as much as I love to sit and write, as I've learned to work it into my day, I love to get moving and get things done to be able to go do the things we love to do best: have fun. My boys will not be little forever, and there will come a day when they may shy away from me hugging and kissing them in public. They will grow and one day not want me to kiss the boo-boo's and reassure them that it's all good. Ahhh.....being a parent is a committment. Sometimes, it feels like a thankless job you're not getting paid for. Yet, I would never take it back. I would never change my mind about being a mom. I love my boys.
So, here's to today and the smiles with laughter. The endless possibilities of what and where, how and why. Make each day count, live today like its your last day. ~Momma

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday in September

The seasons are changing; the heat is on here in the house, our preparations to close up windows to avoid escaping warmth has begun. One transition signals another, and life continues to move along at its pace. Coffee in hand, warm quick breads and muffins for breakfast. I love this time of year; not too hot, not too cold. Just right, Goldielocks.
My mind is filled once again today, seems to be so each morning. Maybe I need a dream catcher to suck up some of the dust of thinking but I believe those only work on dreams; at least that's what I've always been told. My ambition list looms in front of me, and my desire to procrastinate battles for top spot. Time to enforce meditation, for sure.
Tristan is starting a new class on Sunday through our church. I'm excited about it because of the Montessori approach to learning and being present in the room. I feel he'll do well once he and the other kiddos settle into how the hour goes and what they will come to learn each week. I'll be with him during the hour, more so as a classroom aide to assist with the teachers and the other children; I don't want to hover with Tristan but as his mother, being there to help will give me the opportunity watch how he'll grow. Observation without making it look like observation.
Speaking of classes, our local library is offering free, non-credit courses (through the state's department of libraries). As a member of the library, I can sign up for as many classes as I want, and they give you six months to complete the courses. I signed up for two, just to give it a shot. I figure it gives me an idea of what to expect with online learning, especially as I am ambitious to go back to school but really can only do it online. This could be good.
Yeah, I sound like someone putting alot of pokers in the fire of my life, but as each day comes, as time unfolds how my boys learn and how I adjust to meeting their needs, I find time to add. I also have been finding those moments to subtract. I'm scaling back on my time with Facebook, which I've really not been there all that often lately. Between doing new things with the boys, getting ready to close up gardens and move into new activities for the colder months to come, I'm just not finding the desire to go there like before. I have other ways to keep in touch with people, which I find refreshing. Change is good. I'm also getting more involved with other moms I'm meeting in the local area, so my focus is changing yet again. Like I said, change is good.
Well, the bell for my time is ringing; that would be Zachary giving me the cue he needs me. So, here's to Fridays and the potential for what they hold for each of us. ~Momma

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How Many More Days of Summer?

Wednesday morning speaks of afternoon cool temps after a brief show of summer weather. A day to enjoy, and that's my goal. I notice my boys are starting to droop into naps in the afternoons these days, and aside from the knowledge that Tristan may stay up later than usual, the quiet time in the afternoon is welcome. There' s potential today.
So, here I sit, bags sitting on the table next to my laptop, and my mind is swirling with ideas. Yeah, the thinking woman. Depending on how today pans out with rest time for the boys, I may try to get into some sewing. I have an idea for a mini project, and I want to try it out on my sewing machine. Almost craving it. Feed the need, right?
I feel wired, so my post today is brief. I want to make the most of today, as we are edging closer to Autumn and its wonder; I love the change of season and what happens while the temps drop, there's frost in the mornings, and the leaves change colors and fall from the trees. Days of warm cider, sweaters pulled out to wear to the park, and that sense of change and getting ready for Winter. Yes, its that time of year again.
Enjoy your pre-autumnal day! ~Momma

Monday, September 12, 2011

At It Again

Sometimes, I think Monday comes too quickly. Here we are, another week started and already in the midst of catch up and diving in headfirst for the busy week ahead. Errands, appointments, places to go....sometimes, it seems like it never ends. Today is a catch up day, along with prepping for the rest of the week. Household tasks, a soap order to fill, and best of all, to make sure my boys have fun today. If anything counts the most, its how I make use of the day for them. Everything else is peanuts.
My youngest sister's dad placed a soap order late last week, and its today to put it together and send him the details per email. Once I get his payment, then I can send it to him. Not a bad way to get back into business. I've been thinking how to get going again, and the order I fill today just may be the ticket. When nights of teething and days of high energy cloud your brain with hyperactive fuzz, you have a tendency to run on auto-pilot.
I'm back on my reading list again. I say "list", even though its actually "lists." Research & writing list, spiritually inspiring, and leisure. Add one more? No. Oh, wait. I do have another to add. Hereditary craft. Baby on one hip, nose in a book, stirring a pot on the stove, schooling a preschooler....picturesque. My new crafting list is starting with sewing, one of my favorite past times. I'm actually getting into learning to pattern, something I never really got into. Good a time as any, I suppose. I will be photographing this new "poker in the fire," so stay tuned. I'm excited.
I went to AC MOORE last night for their moonlight madness sale and won a $15 gift card while there. Set me up to pick up a few things, even though I was only there to pick up yarn that someone else bought before I got there. Poo, I thought. Then, I realized that it was ok to miss out on that opportunity and create space and an open mind for what I did pick up while there. Tracing paper and a set of pencils just for pattern making, knitting needles and a crochet hook that light up-yes, I said light up-clearance yarn to make a pillow for the sofa, and a Paula Deen recipe journal (make your own cookbook?). Not a bad shopping experience. And of course, coupons for the next week to two weeks.
My mind is swirling with ideas and thoughts, almost like a traffic jam in NYC. Horns beeping, drivers shouting out windows. Everyone wants to be heard....no, my name is not Cybil. Just the typical thinking woman; always thinking. My surface cleaning is done for the morning, my boys eating breakfast, coffee in one hand while checking my post for errors. I'm itching to get started on new things, finish the unfinished, and somehow find the time to breathe and keep me going to keep everyone and everything else going; if I don't take care of me, how do I take care of everyone else? Self care is so important.
So, with that in mind, let's get this party started for the week. We're off and running like a shot out of a gun. And if I play my cards right, I might get a couple of little ones to relax this afternoon. There's always hope. ~Momma

Friday, September 9, 2011

Book Review and on the Run

Here's to Friday! Sometimes, I wonder why I get excited about today, as I don't work a 9-5, don't worry about what to wear to work on Fridays, and don't wonder what my weekends will become. Old habit, I guess.
I finally finished "A Woman's Book of Meditation," which I have some pages to copy off before taking back to the library. Good piece, I have to add. As I started my reading, I wasn't sure if I would stay committed to finishing the book; in the past, I've started a book about meditation without finishing and feeling like I wasted my time. Not so this time. Perhaps because this was focused on women? Perhaps. When a specific focus group is the mainstay of a piece like this one, maybe it takes a different tone as opposed to a general audience.
I also wasn't sure about the approach to meditating. I'm not one to sit still for very long, and if I do, its because I'm into a book I can't put down, working on some type of fiber art, or getting ready to nod off. Empty my mind of all the crazy, busy buzz of the world? You have to be kidding, right? Nope. No joke. There are several different mantras to work through, depending on what you're working with to get into your meditative state. Need only 5 mins? There is time. Want to sit for 2 1/2 hrs? Go for it-if you have the room to do so.
I also came across two very interesting points throughout my reading. Meditation doesn't belong to any one particular group of people. It belongs to us all, universally. It doesn't interfere with religious preferences either. And if you think about that one, didn't Buddha, Muhammad, and Jesus Christ meditate? Meditation can be used as a way of opening yourself to listening for the answers to your prayers/petitions. If we just take the time to still our bodies, calm our minds, and allow even a minute's worth of time to have a sense of peace. I'm not here to upset the apple cart, only to add my point of view to a sense of awareness to one's connection to all that is. We are all connected.
The second interesting point I found was a small diddy about neurotheology (the study of how yoga, religion, and meditation affect the functioning of the brain). I investigated further, by way of the 'net, which after sifting through the rubble, I found my way back to transpersonal psychology; I looked into this field years ago, while finishing my undergrad. After the passing of my grandmother earlier this year, some interesting transpiring elements to color my palette, I find myself looking at this field again. And the best part is, I can do this online. I will be praying and meditating about this one, as I have about some other things in my life, too. And as a tidbit, with my EAT-PRAY-LOVE quest, I am looking into making a mala; after discovering it contains 108 beads, this will be a meditation in itself.
So, ladies, don't be afraid to meditate. I still find my meditation through needlework, but giving it a try to find that still, calm moment. I'm onto my next spiritually inspiring book, which is about the shadow self and how it affects our daily lives. More to report on this later, as I'll be giving a review of it as well. PS-there's visual art & journal exercises in this one. More meditation? Perhaps. ~Momma

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Coming Into My Own

Looking to be another rainy day today; we'll take what we can get and make the best of it. I only wish the rains here on the East Coast would fall on Texas, as it is burning. Sad.
This outline of a day seems to work well for me; at least I know what is going on every hour. I don't want my day to be scheduled every second, so I treat it like a running grocery list; hit every aisle and realize you forgot the cat food when you get home to unpack the bags. Hey, it happens. Not every day is going to be perfect, so live and let live.
I'm getting back into my knitting these days, and enjoying the spare moments and nap times of being able to add a few rows here and there with whatever project I grab for the time. I have a few projects running, so I have a variety to choose from. Once we go to the library this weekend, I'll be working on other stuff, too. Yeah, busy girl...busy momma.
I've compiled a list of books to check out based on my creative outlets surrounding fiber, beads, etc...what a list. Not all books are instructional, I did find some fiction as well. Yeah, fiction with the arts as a backdrop to the main line of the story. Cool. Oh, my list? Check it out-just highlights.

-Knitting & Crocheting
-Needlework (whatever doesn't cover sewing, knitting, & crocheting)
-Jewelry making
-Crafting (whatever doesn't cover the above bullets)

I have a pretty good list of books, many to choose from. To avoid overload, I've decided to work on each list, a little at a time. Example, I'll take an instructional book from sewing, along with the one fiction piece to accompany it. Each outlet has fiction as well as instructional, so I'll be entertained while learning and/or enhancing my craft. Being a descendant from a long line of artisans, I feel a sense of pride for handiwork. I love running my hands over hand tooled craftsmanship, sensing the time and love going into that piece. I love handcarved furniture but that's not an area of specialty for me; shop class in high school didn't go well for me.
As I let my mind empty with my thoughts here on my post, I realize my part in being sustainable is right in front of me. My craft is what sustains me, among other elements of my life. Those things that don't cost a cent, that's what sustains me. And I finally feel I'm coming into my own with my craft. Harnessing the talent of my craft to sustain us here on the urban homestead. Imagine it. ~Momma

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Catching Up and Diving In, Part Two

Here I am, another day of catch up; not so bad this time, as I won't have several days to cram into one. Just a day or two to cram into one. Seems like it might be easier, no? Well, there have been some changes here at home that are showing the benefits-even in this early stage-of organization. Maybe being a little more organized isn't so bad....
This week, I've started a trial run on a daily schedule. Getting up in the early AM hours with my little one, Zachary. He's an early bird, and when he wakes up with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye, you know he's ready to rock and roll for the day. Wish I could wake up like that; thinking back, I've never been much of a morning person. So, I get up by 6 or 6:15 AM at the latest. Coffee on, working through breakfast, lunch for my mate to take to work, going over the plans for the day. One on one time with Zach, my surface cleaning in 30 mins, and by this time, Tristan has gotten up and we're all crowded around to find out what's new in the world through the local news channel. Daddy off to work, the boys and I move forward with the day. I sit to write, get interrupted here and there, but its all good. Shower and dress for the day, get the boys dressed. School time for Tristan, then onto free play and good times with both. Lunch around the noon hour, relax and reading while munching. An hour of quiet time, regardless of naps or no naps. Dinner prep after the hour is up, play time with the boys (if they're awake), and then dinner for them; they like to eat between 4:15 and 5:30 PM at the latest. I try to grab a bite to eat with them, along with any clean up that I didn't do in the morning-sometimes, the living room is such a wreck from playing that I feel the need for a mini bulldozer to clear it all out. Big dinner when the man gets home, clean up while the boys get their time with Daddy. Play time with the boys, bathes to follow. Moving toward that magic hour of settling down for the night, stories to read and drawing the curtains for the day. Then, one by one, eyes begin to close, mouths heavy with yawns....sometimes, I'm right along with them to fall asleep. Otherwise, then it becomes my time to work. I have a two hour block of time to work on writing, sewing, fiber arts (knitting and what have you), or to just read some nights. If I choose knitting, then I can sit and catch a movie with my mate. In the real world, I pass out alongside Tristan while I'm reading extra bedtime stories but my goal is to be able to work for a bit before bedtime. And now that my mate has some heavy duty studying to start up this month, it will have to become a ritual for us to get our focus on. Team motivation....it could work.....
So, there's my day. Did you fall asleep while the credits were rolling? Was it all a blur? Well, today we're a busy lot here. I have two weeks of menus to plug into Word and print off, new paper to hang. Pics to take of it and post here for my next talk on menu planning and shopping. We're having a rainy day today, so I have to set things up so we can have our rainy day play and a movie. I have to shop for raincoats for my kids so we can go out in the rain instead of staying inside; when I was growing up, there were few days I was inside to play. And my boys love to be outside, regardless of the weather. I may have to do Red Bull shots to stay awake tonight-joking-so I can work on something tonight. Which reminds me that I need to set up a list of things needed to be worked on, that way I can prioritize and pick away at. "How Does She Do It All?" is a movie I'm going to have to see. That's my life, even if I work from home and not away in some office somewhere. Here's to busy, rainy, catch up days and to the women who do too much on a daily basis. May our insane motivation to conquer the world continue. ~Momma

Friday, September 2, 2011

Time Flies

Wow, I've been away longer than I first anticipated but have no regrets for it just the same. We are now into September, barely, and I'm looking forward to the Fall weather and the days of preparing the gardens to rest. Our harvest is not quite the yield I'd hoped for this year but I'm not giving up; there's still the harvest yet to come. I'm now in the season of canning and preserving, so my focus has turned slightly. Also planting for next spring as the months roll along; yes, there's much to be done yet.
Homeschool adventures are ready to start back up again on the more serious note but with more play and fun this time; funny how it can take some time to figure out what works for your child and find the willingness to let go of what doesn't. Tristan, that's my preschooler, he's now 4 yrs old and he's a sponge for learning. My reserved child, he takes in his environment, studying on the visual level (very carefully) before jumping into anything. We went to a homeschool "Not Back to School" picnic yesterday, and it was great to see both of my boys play with children they only met yesterday. I found some materials to use, chatted with a couple of moms, and then after a swim in the lake, we headed for home to wash the sand out of every crevice it has a way of finding its way into. I'm looking forward to this year's learning, as I've learned to relax with teaching a bit, have trips planned, and researching projects and events. We will be attending new groups as well; I have a feeling my kiddos have gotten bored with the routine of places we've been going to for some time now. New adventures, here we come!
I'm back to reading again after a few days off, and in need of catching up with my spiritual enlightening list, my research list, and my leisure list. And speaking of books, we're changing our library day around. I know my boys love the library but have grown bored of going to "hear" story time and hang out; try keeping two boys who love the outdoors inside while its beautiful outside. Ever walk an untrained Great Dane on a silk thread? My passion for the written word is regaining steam, and finding time to read has its moments. Yet, as I'm finding myself drifting from the mindlessness of tv and movies, I'd rather have my nose in a book. I read to my kids, I read to learn something new for them and/or myself, and finally, finding time to read for enjoyment and clearing my mind. And my list of books I want to take from the library is growing; I keep a running list on paper and also my Color Notes on my phone. Forget it if I go through with going back to one of the biggest libraries in the area; their selection is so huge, it would take years to go through the shelves. Lastly, my addiction to finding free books that I can't pass up is growing. Yeap, I think the book exchange page could help.
Today, we're just going with the flow. I have to finish Tristan's calendar, things to take care of, tasks to complete, and best of all, we are leaving the biggest part of the day for fun. What other way is there to spend Friday? So, here's to Friday, to September, and to the days of Fall. Enjoy!


Monday, August 22, 2011

Tid Bits

Monday here again, not a bad idea. I'm sitting to crank out a quickie here, and then off and running for the day. Actually, I'll be off for about a week, possibly. After two weeks of cleaning, gardening on the heavy duty scale, and organizing by way of purging in the garage, I'm taking the week off to spend with my boys. I'll still be working on school things with my preschooler but having more fun. I'll outline more of the details after our week of fun-stay tuned.
The weekend wasn't too bad. I finally got the garage set up the way I need it for now, that way I can take a little piece at a time to purge further. The Facebook page for a book exchange is really heavy on my mind, and I think I just might do it. I think it would be best to put the feelers out there with my friends list if anyone would be interested and want to participate. It could be a worthy adventure.
The meal menu for the week is ready to go into Word today, and then posted on the fridge for the week. The new sales flyer for the market sits on the table, items highlighted and ready to go for pickup. I also have some birthday shopping to consider for my oldest, who will be four yrs old soon. Time flies, and it waits for no one.
I'm still plugging away at reading for my first topic of writing. Its going well, and I've highlighted and taken notes on things that stand out. I still have until the first full week of September to compile my info, and then to sit and write about my findings. A week of a break between the final writing of the first installment, with fiction to clear the mind. Then, back to work and onto the next subject of conversation. I will give the link where to find my work once I've posted.
My boys are playing, picking over what's left of breakfast, and I'm ready to sign off here to move onto my next leg of my day-shower, pick up, get ready to move and groove. Its all good, and every day is never boring. Always interesting. ~Momma

Friday, August 19, 2011

We're Almost There

Its Friday. After almost a full week of sorting through my life, which has been in boxes stacked in the garage for the last 4 mos, I'm ready to be done for a little bit. I've been devoting roughly two hrs a day, since Sunday, to this project. I've weeded through boxes and bags of scraps and have accumulated three large lawn and leave bags of things to hit the trash. Nine bags of donations, and a box of books so far that I really don't know what to do with. The idea of creating a book swap page through Facebook is tempting; is there anyone who still enjoys a book in its original form, even if you own an e-book? Food for thought, I suppose.
We've had good weather for the last two days, resulting in trips out of the house to burn off some pent up energy. Not sure what is in store for us today, so we'll take it on the fly. Better to be open-minded on a day when the best events are four hrs of driving in the car; if my boys were more travel ready, we'd already be on the road. Next week, with the heavy duty garage purging aside, we'll be taking the days as they come and enjoying them as fully as we can. I don't want my boys to think that life as an adult is all work and no play; they know mom is doing things, but not quite sure why I'm running from one spot to the next. Right now, the fascination with fixing the vacuum cleaner and helping with sweeping seems to be fun for them.
Next week's menu is already in rough draft; I've picked stuff from the new kids cookbook we have. I just have to put it in Word and print off to hang up. And yes, I will take a picture so my readers can have a peek. I've been thinking about how pictures will enhance what I write about here, and its coming to that time to move ahead and do so. I have done so with my three other blogs in the past, so why not now with this one? I have improvements to do with this page, set up my Google +, and a few other things as well. I have ideas, I just have to sketch them out on paper, put time lines on them with how much work needs to be done, and move forward. Dreaming is great but the real work is what makes it manifest.
Speaking of work, my mate is in process to finish putting new roof shingles down on the house; he did the garage last year, and so far this year, he's done half the house. I'll be glad when this project is done; we still have the backyard to fence in, gardens to improve upon, chickens to add to our urban homestead, and a new backporch to put on. We're extending the porch, and hopefully adding the purgala (not sure if the spelling is correct there) I've been requesting. By the time year five hits for us to be here, this place will look so different from when we first got here. And yes, that's my intentions.
So there, it is. My spun gold for the day. Off to enjoy the day, making the most of it, watching my boys learn and grow, and capturing life's priceless moments to hold close to my heart. The weekend has the promise of sun with the closing of showers; we'll take it. ~Momma

Spinning Straw into Gold August 19

"Stories are medicine....They have such power; they do not require that we do, be, act anything-we need only listen. The remedies for repair or reclamation of any lost psychic drive are contained in stories." -Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It's Been a Busy One

Today is blue skies and sunshine after two days of rain and clouds; its been good for the gardens, and good for focusing on other areas of life that need attention. Today, we are shifting gears and diving into the day to enjoy what we've waited for: warmth from the sun and the feel of grass under our feet.
Tuesday's Task Master day was a good one. I've been working on the garage organization since Sunday, and it has felt good to do so. Several bags and boxes have been gone through to clean out, make decisions, and throw out. I'm up to two full large garbage bags to kick to the curb at this time. A temporary place for my business stuff, mostly supplies for my product making, has been secured. Its taking shelter in the section where the garden and landscaping stuff will go until I move that a bit to set up our stockpile. Everything will shift to find its place, boxes labeled and set up for easy access, making it so much easier to get into stuff, continue to sort through and watch everything change. Its change in a big way. And change is good.
Our weekly meal menu is complete, hanging and its one more thing done on my task list. Its so nice to see it up, with the little shopping list of items that we may not have that are needed for the meals they are designated for. If its on sale, we stock up, putting aside for another meal. For the next two weeks, after this one is over, we're doing meals focused on kids being able to help in the kitchen; I hope my preschooler has fun with it. We'll see what's left for the meal once he's taste tested! We made brownies yesterday, and he loved them-my guy who doesn't like chocolate. Go figure.
I have a dentist appointment later today, so we've changed the schedule up for yesterday and today; that also feels good to be able to move things around and go with the flow of those changes. Better than feeling overwhelmed by sudden changes.
Speaking of changes, I did some research yesterday for writing opportunities. I have a list, and a good one at that. Deadlines way out, giving me time to work on those subjects and turn them over for review before submitting. It feels good to write again. I've also been working on my reading, which right now has been about parenting. Ladies and gentlemen, there is no manual for kids when you bring them home, and there is no manual for parenting. I'm learning that it is trial and error, that you won't always get it right, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. It's not an exact science, and it wasn't meant to be. Advice, ideas, and tips are good but not to be taken like they are written in stone; each family and the children in them are different. Call it the holistic approach to living; what works for you and your family is what works for YOU and YOUR FAMILY. I am working on this subject for the next month, at least getting into it and working on my own parenting and family atmosphere; how can you speak about something if you are not living it? Live your values, walk your walk to be able to talk your talk.
And yes, I'm taking a break today. No garage organizing, no research topic reading. Play, fun, and after the kids go to bed, hopefully doing some reading on meditation; something else I'm currently working on these days. Tomorrow, I'm back in the trenches, making a go at that place called a garage, making time for the garden, spending those priceless moments with my boys. Life is good. ~Momma

Taking On Quite A Task August 17th

"To live fully, outwardly and inwardly, not to ignore external reality for the sake of the inner life, or the reverse-that's quite the task." -Etty Hillesum

Monday, August 15, 2011

Rainy Day Monday

Unlike the Carpenters verse of being let down by rainy days and Mondays, I'm enjoying the rain. Its very much needed at this time. Its been dry for a few weeks, so its a welcome peace today. Plans for today? Rainy day activities with the boys, a movie with popcorn while lounging on the air mattress, menu planning, daily housework, and a spotlight in the garage while they rest. Sounds like quite a bit, but its the average day here on the urban homestead.
Our rainy day activities range from art, playing cow bowling and free play. Music with "hop like a frog" fun. Snacks, tea, a light lunch....relaxing. Its warm enough we can be outside on the back porch for some of this fun time, too.
New menu this week, and just like last week, I'm not ready as of this morning. Grab some cookbooks, flip through and tab pages, sit later or tomorrow to plug into Word and print off. It is so much easier to see that menu with the little shopping list hanging on the fridge; no more guess work for meals. I was watching Extreme Couponing on TLC yesterday afternoon, and it still blows me away how these people can do this. Its a full time job just to do the research, find the deals, and get all the coupons they take to the store! Yet, I have to say, we are moving in that direction. I still don't believe we'll ever be as extreme but it helps everywhere possible when you can pick things up that usually cost more on a regular basis. Like this week, two stores we shop at have some good deals. One place, for example, has a 24 pack of toilet paper on sale for $4.99 and a 50 oz. bottle of laundry detergent for $1.99. We all know that laundry soap can be so much more expensive than that, so is it worth stocking up on when its at that kind of price? Yes, ma'am. We already have four bottles of laundry detergent-name brands that are low on the ingredient index-stocked up and we are still using the soap we've had for six months; we used to buy the great big containers to make it through but with these deals, we're actually saving more money. And every mom knows there is never enough tp in the house, so this other deal is appealing. My other store is offering double coupons, so there's a trip there, too. We don't have a huge list to work off of, so we won't be spending tons of money. With stocking up on certain things, the extra money goes where its needed: other items, bills, savings, etc...it just takes a little time getting settled in with; nothing worth it happens overnight.
I started working in the garage yesterday while my boys were resting. I had a pile of bags and boxes to sort through, stuff I always say "It can wait." Well, it waited no longer as of yesterday. I now have one bag and one box of books, magazines, and misc. that can be sorted into separate places and used. I found a gardening magazine from when we moved into our home the first summer and I had only flipped through it at the checkout line! I can still use that magazine for the gardens I'm putting in here. Once I'm done, I can recycle it and move on. Who knows, maybe I'll have a Kindle or Nook Color one day that I can put magazines on and not have the pile of recycles to haul out of here. One never knows what tomorrow brings.
There it is. My thoughts for this morning that have been piling up all weekend long. I've also been thinking, as I'll be busy with the garage organizing this week, I'm going to consolidate my writing for the week; I'll post again on Wednesday and then again on Friday and tell you all about my adventures for those days and the days in between. I also believe it will make my posts longer, more interesting than just the daily report of what's happening. A little change up is always good. Will I stick with this method? I don't know, haven't seen how it maps out yet. We'll see how it works out this week. Anything's possible. ~Momma

The Courage to Create August 14

"No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader.
No surprise for the writer, no surprise for the reader."

-Robert Frost

Friday, August 12, 2011

Label, label....who's reading the label?

Food. It's on my mind this morning. Not so much as to eat it but to think of what we really put into our bodies to nourish and sustain. It's fuel for the day, to help keep running the race. What do we put in to go the day?
We eat seasonally and locally here at home. If anything comes from a can or a box, its because I simply can't find that item in produce or from a local source. Otherwise, I'm in the kitchen, working over a recipe, fresh and local ingredients in front of me. I bake, grill, steam. Yes, I fry on occasion. My boys eat healthy snacks, and yes, even cakes and cookies that aren't gluten-free or sugar free. I use raw sugar instead of refined. No bleached flours. My preschooler has never sat with a can of soda and a bag of chips (he does like chips now and then, and has sipped a soda but not devoured those items). He's not a candy eater. When he's older, I have no problem with the once and a while snack of crap but not a consistent basis. I'd rather he ate well and be healthy than to let him ping off the walls from sugar loaded stuff. And with today's products being overloaded with refined sugars, chemicals and preservatives for shelf life, and the over abundance of dyes for color, what child needs to be hopped up on all that junk?
This past week, we've had dinners I've taken time and effort to make. With the leftover chicken from a couple dinners, I'm making dinner tonight that will actually be breakfast. I've not had breakfast for dinner in a long time. Good stuff. Who says eggs and waffles are for 7 AM? I say make a break in the menu and enjoy your food. Sunday will be my day to look into next week's menu plan and posting the new menu on the fridge on Monday morning.
This week has been a good one for gardening and being outside. The weather has been fantastic, and the days we've gone to the park have been great ones. Letting my guys run and play, swing, taking those rides down the slides, and the new fascination with baseball diamonds; time to get the t-ball set up ready to use. I think the next time we go to the park, we'll have to take it along and set it up on one of the diamonds. Let my big guy get a feel for what it will be like to play ball like the guys he was watching yesterday during a practice game.
My gardens are set for late crops. The only trouble I'm experiencing is the squirrels will not leave my corn alone. Punks. If we get corn this year, we'll be lucky. Otherwise, we'll have to wait for next year. Corn can be picked up at the store but I love being able to go out and pick my own. Next week, I start slowing down, maintaining and harvesting. Getting flower areas cleaned out, set for Fall and eventually the big sleep to come before Spring arrives again and the gardens come alive with color.
So, when you think about food and what you put into your body, what fuels you? Don't drive yourself mad reading every label out there; I don't read ALL of them, just what pertains to our household. And by the way, we do eat out now and then. We do eat food that we could do without. I do eat a cheeseburger or a hot dog now and then. I'm not starting a riot about food. I'm just as guilty with my simply pleasures of junk food. We are entitled to treat ourselves to what we normally don't consume. It just doesn't have to be a habit for us. But hands down, I would rather eat something I know doesn't make me feel like crap later or even more hungry. Give me a good portion, let me fuel up, and let me go for the day until the next meal. ~Momma

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday Starts With Wonder

My boys are still asleep as I start this post. They slept all night. Chamomile tea from lunch til just after dinner, Celtic harp & Native American flute music while reading a couple of stories while reclined in bed. Both down and out by 9:15 pm. We did garden and were poolside during the day until it rained, so that may have helped as well. I like the idea of the tea and the music at night. It was nice to sleep all night, even if I woke a bit to listen.
Today is my garden day, of which I will be putting in radishes, carrots, turnips, beets, salad mix. After that, it will go back to cleaning, pruning, weeding. I'm hoping by the weekend, I can transplant what's left and then settle into maintenance and harvest. I'm already sketching in my mind the ideas for next year that I have coming along. Time to put it onto paper? Perhaps.
The sun is shining and the skies are blue. I'm itching to get out there and enjoy the day. I'm also filled with the idea of what I've mapped out for the next couple of weeks and hoping to really make a dent in things around here. I know next week, its all about the garage and organizing. I have started several times, resulting in a pile that needs attention to weed through. Just a box or a bag or two has become a few boxes and a few bags that need to be gone through and decisions made. I'm coming to that point in my life where I'm ready to put aside the concern for the things not taken care of and really enjoying the life in front of me. Interesting how you can become so consumed by the things not taken care of, the things that pile up and seem like it will never go away. I'm not one to just throw things in the trash; to me, there's a place for everything, and everything should be in its place. If I can't use it or don't have time or don't remember the purpose behind why I have it, then there's got to be someone who can benefit from it. I want to teach my boys that you just don't throw stuff out; you make sure that if it still has use, then it has a place to go. Use what you can, share what you don't need.
So, here's to Thursday and wondering at the beauty of it. ~Momma

Second Thoughts August 11

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it;
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Today you realize how blessed you are.
-Sarah Ban Breathnach

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday with Sinus Pressure

The sun is shining, my boys are eating breakfast, and I'm working through a sinus headache. Despite the last piece of info, we are pushing ahead with our day. Another day of gardening and the pool. Maybe a trip to the park. And its our creative day. Back to the Preschooler's Busy Book for ideas.
Last night's dinner was not too shabby. Ginger chicken one pot meal, with a salad containing mandarin oranges, avocado, dried cranberries, and dressing made from yogurt, orange juice, a sprinkle of nutmeg and a dash of vinegar. Making meals seems so much easier to get back into a routine of setting up a menu, changing days around if necessary, and not hitting the panic button as to what to make to feed the crew. It also maps out if we need an ingredient I don't readily have on hand. Recently, with food prices rising, learning what couponing is really all about, we've been stocking up on items. Coupons, sales, even finding clearance items that we would normally pass up on due to full price. I even pushed the issue when my mate came home without picking up the necessary amount of english muffins to get the sale price; he's going back to the store tonight on his way home to get the sale price and some popcorn-I pop on the stove-with the refunded money. If I can benefit from a sale, I'm on it. If I'm paying full price, it better be top quality. Gotta save where you can save; it makes budgeting easier.
I have a confession to make. I'm a recycle/reduce/reuse kind of gal. We have a drop off center here in town, a place to take your garage, recyling, yard scraps, etc....There's a little shed that attracts all kinds of treasures and the people who look for them. I've found everything from books, school supplies (especially homeschool curriculum), planting boxes and trays, even a small chicken house. Yesterday, I found "Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy," by Sarah Ban Breathnach. Nice piece. The ribbon page marker was on June 27, talking about herbs, connecting to earth when working with the plants in the garden. How appropriate. I was in the garden when I pulled the book to flip through it.
So, I've given my readers my dinner plans, creative day ideas, garden passion, and confessed to my attraction to sales and recycling. And with that, I give you today's Simple Abundance as food for thought. ~Momma

Calling Forth Our Gifts August 10

"You long to call forth your gifts. To explore your talents. To discover and recover your creativity. But where do you begin? You begin by offering an open heart and a willingness to serve." -Saran Ban Breathnach

"Do not weep; do not wax indignant. Understand." -Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday's Possibilities

Sunshine again this AM. Fabulous. Doing some garden work today, along with poolside fun. Weeding, mostly but some love and care needed. Some seed mixing for Fall lettuce/greens patch. I'll leave it at that for today's plans, as leaving room for any changes that come along. And they do come along-usually unexpected. That's life with children.
Our menu for the week is planned, now to put it into Word and print off. I mentioned it in yesterday's post, kind of as a fingernail appearance of sorts. We had a mellow day yesterday, along with some great playtime. It appeared as though rain was going to keep us in, so we did rainy day fun. Cow bowling, ball play, and music. A couple of books, and then we noticed the sun burst onto the scene, so plans for the park were made. A quick stop @ the market for some produce, and then we walked to the park. Arrival back home, one child napped while the other relaxed. I made dinner. Breaded pork chops, smashed potatoes, and candied carrots. Yum. Bedtime was a bit off kilter but we made it happen all the same. Sometimes, I think my boys think they can hang out all day and all night. Chamomile tea, guys. Does it every time. Zzzzz....
Laundry looks like it needs to be done today, along with a couple of other things as well. I'll get those things done over the course of the day, squeezed right in there with time with my boys and tending one of our gardens. That's why its Task Master Tuesday; do what I can, move whatever undone for another day, and just take life as it comes. It's all good. ~Momma

Monday, August 8, 2011

Menus, Gardens, and Such

Rain. Finally. I've been waiting for this since sometime last week, and we finally get some. Not raining at the moment but waking up to wet ground, means watered plants. If it dries out a bit today, I can work in the gardens, as this is my planned week to do so. Otherwise, I can rough sketch my plans for the gardens, and focus elsewhere.
Today, I start working on a new weekly menu format. Type it up in Word, and then print off to post on the fridge. It will also have any grocery needs posted on the same paper, thus eliminating excess paper postings on the fridge. More space, less waste. Sounds like this fits in with my organizing bit? Yeah, I guess it does. Another tidbit of organizing ideas.
Speaking of organizing, I've mapped out the next three weeks to work on areas in need of attention. Gardens, finishing things and late crops starts. I'm a woman who likes to sew, and my sewing is in desparate need of work. And last but not least, that damn garage. That's all I'm going to say about that. August is a busy one.
Today is our Mellow Monday when it comes to school stuff. Weather pending, we would be at the park today but I think today may have to be a rainy day special. We have a bowling set, among some other things we can do for indoor activities. We haven't had a rainy day play day in a while now.
My mind is already working on the reading I've started. Parenting, homeschooling, all while encompassing the rest of my life. Its always busy here. Hardly a day goes by without feeling overwhelmed or wondering how more stuff gets added to the seemingly never ending "To Do List." I suppose, with more organization and time, it will all come together.
My boys are finishing breakfast, which is the signal for me to sign off and grab a quick shower before diving into the day with them. So, here's to menu planning, organizing, more planning, fun and play, ideas and tasks.....~Momma

Friday, August 5, 2011

The First Friday in August

Here we are, the first Friday in August; sun is shining, sky is blue. Weather forecast seems promising. We are having breakfast in bed, with tri-berry (blueberry, blackberry, raspberry) muffins. My infant becoming a toddler has pounded down three by this time, a dozen more are baking, and waiting for my preschooler to wake up and join us. He's gone to bed a bit late most of the nights this past week, but with sleeping all night, I'm taking it for what it is. Its been a year of trial and error when it comes to raising two little ones who are three years apart in age, but one I would not take back. I wouldn't change anything, as this is how I've learned to wrap life around them, learning from them what they need from me and how best to deliver that.
Through a site titled, Find & Go Seek, I'm finding events and such to do with my boys; this encompasses Vermont and makes a great way to avoid, "There's nothing to do!" August is about going places, kind of like getting those last vacations before school in and enjoyed. I'm also working on building up our traveling, that way my boys can go anywhere. Of course, there are the pitfalls of wanting to go home to sleep in your own bed, falling asleep on the trip (which of course, will happen) and waking up in places they don't know, meltdowns from sitting for too long in the car while traveling. Those can be worked with, over time. Today's activity is breakfast in bed. We pile pillows and a light blanket or two onto an inflatable mattress, put a fun show or kids movie on, and chill out for a bit in the morning. I have other ideas for the day as well; I'll share those on Monday to let my readers know how it went-or didn't.
Yesterday, I was questing for a quinoa recipe to add to the dinner I made last night; yes, I'm including the recipes this morning. I didn't find what I was looking for, so I made one up. Here's last night's dinner.

Chicken Rosemary

-1/4 c olive oil
-2 chicken thighs
-juice of half a lemon
-2 sprigs of fresh rosemary
-salt and pepper to taste

Rinse chicken in cool water, pat dry with paper towels. Separate skin enough to insert one sprig between skin & meat. Squeeze lemon over thighs, follow with a sprinkling of salt and pepper. Pour oil over thighs. Let set while preparing summer squash recipe.
Take everything out to the grill. Make sure grill is on low heat (I've served Cajun black a time or two, so flame levels are important), and place chicken on grill. Check periodically and turn to ensure properly cooked meat. When meat is no longer pink, your chicken is done.

Grilled Summer Squash

-1 medium yellow squash
-1 medium zucchini
-Olive oil
-Salt and pepper to taste

Wash squash and slice off stem & end. Slice 1/4 in thick, placing in an aluminum foil pouch (these are fun and easy to make). Pour olive oil over slices, followed by salt and pepper. Leave pouch open to allow heat to get in to "steam" while on the grill.
Place on top rack on grill to avoid burning bottom layer of squash. When squash is done, it should have a bit of a crisp edge to it; if its mush or burned, its been on too long.

Basic Quinoa Turned Pilaf

Cook quinoa according to package or basic recipe directions; please remember to rinse before cooking. Chop one medium carrot, half of a small onion, two small stalks of celery (preferably closer towards the middle and add leaves as well) and add towards the end of the cooking time for the basic recipe. Salt and pepper, if you desire, or add a teaspoon of sesame oil and black sesame seeds.

This was a good dinner. Now, you can increase your recipe measurements, according to the size of your family. For us, two adults and two kids under five, we don't need a spread for 10 people (although, I grew up with this style of cooking to ensure everyone gets enough to eat and then you can have leftovers for a day or two if there's enough). Give it a try and enjoy the taste of summer while we have it; it will be Fall before too long and the menu will change again.
It's that time again to say "So long for now." The day awaits, my boys are coming alive with excitement, and I know I've got to be on my toes to keep up with them. Caffeine iv, please! Enjoy the day, have a great weekend, and make the most of every moment you can. ~Momma

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday with a Chance of Clouds

Cloudy this morning. That's ok. We can make do, or is that make due? I've often heard the expression but don't recall ever seeing it written down or typed, etc...another one of those hillbilly verbal expressions, perhaps. Not sure what it will do today but with that aside, we will pursue the day just the same. School, projects, fun, and just being in the moment. Oh yeah, gotta finish the laundry by giving it a good fluff n' fold. Time given, maybe a flat iron.
Right now, I'm trying to plan dinner for tonight. Using local ingredients, with the exception of maybe a spice or two, I'm planning Rosemary Chicken, Grilled Summer Squash (yellow & zucchini), and some type of grain side of either Millet or Quinoa. Haven't figured that piece out yet. Still looking. The chicken and the squash I can do on the grill, taking the heat out of the kitchen, and do the grain stovetop. I'll post the recipes tomorrow while my slow cooker meal is starting.
I had an epiphany of sorts yesterday afternoon. Something that didn't sit well with me at the time. I had to journal about it for a few mins just to get it off my back. As of tomorrow, I will be starting researching, reading, and writing again. My first topic is homeschooling/parenting. What does it mean to be a mom who desires to homeschool her children? What type of parent makes this kind of decision? Is there room to be a parent and a teacher? Can you separate the two, or is it unique to be both? What types of learning styles are there for the children involved, and what type of teaching styles for the parents? Who's who in the curriculum world for materials to teach? How does your ability to teach affect your ability to parent, and does it? Just some questions to ponder. I feel like I'm back in college again, sketching blueprints for the house I'm about to work on for the next six months of study. Once my sketch is down, then I can start clearing the space where the foundation will go. As I read, the plans may change a bit, adding or subtracting to create a uniqueness to what I'm embarking on; keeping in mind to keep the foundation strong, or the walls will crack and the house of the future will not be supported properly. This will most definitely be an adventure.
So, back to recipe hunting for my dinner. My boys are eating breakfast, I'm ready for a shower, and we have the day ahead of us. I believe there's some room for some gardening today, and as we set up some bean sprouts yesterday, we will start some more corn today. Cucumbers and tomatillos are doing well out there, as are my herbs. I found poppies growing in my preschooler's first raised bed box, which was cool to find. Next year, we'll have a bigger bed for him to work with and pass the small box down to his brother, who's already showing interest in dirt. Of course, it could all change, but I'll remain optimistic.
Have a great one today! ~Momma

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Creative Wednesdays

I hear the birds singing in the backyard, a promise of a good day today. The sun is shining, the skies are blue. One of my boys is awake and having breakfast, the other still catching z's. Today is our creative day, and a time of changing things up just a bit.
Wednesday has almost always been our day to be creative, in a variety of ways. We've been on a baking binge for weeks, making cake or cupcakes weekly. One week was so hot that we made banana splits instead. Now, I feel its time to change it up a bit. I have my easel set up on the backporch, along with my preschooler's. I also have a copy of "The Preschoolers Busy Book," which gives ideas for activities and creativity with children ages 3-6 yrs. I've picked it up before from the library, and it was time to do so again; I love taking books like this one out repeatedly. Sometimes, you find something of interest that you may have passed by the first time you had it in your possession. What I like about this book is that its sectioned by by themes. Rainy day ideas, what to do outdoors, how to explore when out and about, the three r's (reading, 'riting, & 'rithmetic), the arts (music, dance, drama), and art (visual & crafts) gets its own section. Recipes for homemade playdough, fingerpaint, etc...good source to have around when you have little ones. Being able to stay at home, working on homeschool preschool, this helps keep from the old saying "There's nothing to do!"
What will we do today? Oh, a smattering of things. Some art, a bit of math and science, music (listening and playing), free play (this is always a good way to come down off of concentrated work for 20 mins at a time), reading, and just going with the flow of the day and having fun. If you're child is not enjoying his/herself, then why do the activity? If it peaks his/her interest, go for it. If it doesn't, let it go. If you like it and think your child might have fun with it but just doesn't seem interested at the initial time, save it and go back another time. New things appear differently to all children. Some dive in, loving change. Others want to test the water, toe at a time. Don't push or pressure, let them grow as they will; because they will blossom.
Here's to Wednesdays, the creative process, busy children, and the parents who love them. Cheers! ~Momma

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Off My Posting and On My Mind

Tuesday's weather seems uncertain but with the hope and the promise of a new day for us, I take it in stride and know that we'll find something fun and rewarding to venture into today. My boys are now both awake, taking on breakfast and a cartoon. I have my time to throw words on paper-words on screen, that is.
Tuesdays are typically my Task Master talks, focusing on my latest venture of organizing through purging, sorting, etc...Today my mind is on the books I've been reading recently and the completion of two of those in question. Kitchen Table Wisdom, which I gave my views of through two posts, and Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner. The second title, one I embarked on through an online study, was also a good and quite moving piece for me to read for the last ten weeks. It also came at a time in my life when I needed it the most. Opening doors to the past, blowing the dust off memories and issues. Learning to look at those things in a new way, facing my fears of how to deal with them as well. I feel myself changing, a needed change for me as a woman, a mother, and of the many, many hats I've come to wear. I have felt at my lowest during my reading, and now with the final page highlighted, I feel I can move on into the light of tomorrow.
Hidden Joy was written and shared by the author and a part of her life's history that had marked her every step for 20 years. She was raped. When a woman is violated in such a way, it takes away so much of her life. Fear colors every dark corner, making it impossible to feel like a functional part of the world. I do not share in Wendy's feelings of violation, at least not exactly what happened to her. But I do know what it feels like to feel paralyzed by a trauma that renders you almost to the point of useless. I know what its like to feel like no one understands what you feel, think, etc...And now, I know what it feels like to finally feel the warmth of change on my face. I'm understanding that I'm not alone, and that I don't have to feel helpless anymore. I have a life, one filled with promise.
I'm now finishing the Woman's Meditation book. Good so far. Enlightening as I turn each page. A good way to get back into my yoga practice, to share that with my boys. A way to give time to and for myself, to share priceless time with my boys. Self care is so important today. With all the demands made on women, let alone women and men, it makes me see why most people run around on auto pilot. We're all in such a big hurry to get to the next thing, we miss what's in front of us. We get to tomorrow, ahead of schedule, and then express impatience at having to wait for Nature & Divinity to show up at the pre-planned time. Or we arrive late, and complain the whole time at what we're sure we missed, thus missing what we were destined to discover. Satisfaction is hard to find, or is it?
So there you have it. My morning thoughts. Food for thought for the day. What motivates you? What satisfies you? Are you in a hurry for what hasn't happened yet? Are you missing the big picture, or the little priceless moments you'll never have again? What legacy are you working on to leave behind for future generations? Lesson for today. Take 90 seconds-time it if you feel the need-to take a genuine deep breath (don't forget to exhale). Note how you feel. Write it on paper, type it on your smart phone. In a week, go back to it. Repeat. Love. ~Momma

Monday, August 1, 2011

Is It Really Monday Again?

Monday comes again; the sun is peaking through the overcast, the promise of a good day laced with the potential for storms. Ok, we'll take what we can get out of it today. Lots happening here, and the mental list is going into sketch mode immediately. August homeschool schedule-yeah, I'm a day behind already, the final week of my online study, two books on my spiritually inspired list finished, my research & writing mode coming back into my life-a little lighter this time, as opposed to diving in without a life jacket, and researching tantrums in the preschooler. And yes, my house in need of a good clean; I have to wonder how it is that Monday comes with a chore list that adds to the one I already have set up. Sometimes, I feel Monday is an unwanted houseguest but today I'm seeing that it will help me process what I need to, mentally. A good sort of meditation, I guess.
Kitchen Table Wisdom is finally complete. A great read, even with the heaviness of the contents. I needed to read this at this time in my life. With the passing of my grandmother, which I mentioned in a previous post, this book and its stories have helped put a perspective on what happened for my grandmother. I could use the word closure, but I feel that with the passing of loved ones, closure doesn't come for quite some time. We need to mourn, to grieve. Its a normal part of the process of living; just like dying is a part of living. The life cycle needs to be honored, to see the sacredness in life. In the midst of mourning on my part, I'm seeing the importance of family, how to rise above age old quarrels, and working on a better tomorrow to let things go that cannot be changed. Why hang onto all that baggage?
August is here, bringing with it the change in the air. I love this time of the year, and as it goes into the months of September, October, and November. The air is different; not quite the thick humidity of July, and not quite ready to become iceberg cold. Perfect. Our second round of gardening is already underway, and lots of landscaping is happening in the front yard. This is also a perfect time to spend at least half the day at the parks, drinking in what Nature has to offer as she changes from blasting heat to a bit more forgiving sunshine and blue skies.
My mind is not quite a fog at this point, making it a good opportunity for an exit. I'm looking forward to finishing my third spiritually inspired book, one on meditation, and then taking a small break with a piece of fiction. Contemplate, meditate, live each day without beating myself over the head about what didn't get done or how imperfect things are. Its a work in progress. The birds are calling, a shower needed, and a jump into this new month. Cheers! ~Momma

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What Will We Do With Thursday?

Beautiful blue skies and sunshine greets the morning of Thursday. Today is my day to talk about sustainable living practices, and I guess I do have something to chat about on this subject. Of course, it goes back to gardening, which has been the spotlight of sustainability for us for a few months now.
This week, we've been starting seeds for the late summer planting schedule. Corn, sunflowers, mixing greens & lettuce seeds for a nice patch of yumminess-is that really a word? Radishes, carrots, onions and such will go directly in at the time they need to. Oh, and I started cabbage seeds, too. Late peas will go directly in as well. So far, our garden has given us herbs, a few radishes, peas (shell & sugar snap), and bush beans. Waiting on the rest to bring forth the fruit of the season. August will also be the month I start my canning; I didn't make strawberry jam this year, as we've still so much of it from last year. Right now is peak season for raspberries and blueberries but still not sure if we will take part in this seasonal ritual of harvesting for our food stores. We'll see what the next couple of weeks brings. If too late, we can always plan for next year and still be good.
Flipping through "Sleeping with a Sunflower," and looking over the activities for August. Companion planting, time frames for planting in August, canning and preserving, how to fish by the moon cycles. Good stuff, old stuff. Then, there's a piece on using foods for natural dyes. I've used red cabbage, red onions, yellow onions, spinach, and beets for dyes on Easter eggs; I've not once bought a conventional egg dyeing kit, as I've not found one that is chemical free. The natural dyes can also be used for dying wool fiber for those colorful items known as sweaters, hats, and mittens. Scarves are in there, too. I've yet to do that, and I think it would be fun. The chapter ends on the note about eating puffballs for breakfast. Now, for those who know what puffballs are, I gotta tell ya, I didn't know you could eat these. Of course, it helps when you harvest them when they're still waxy and fresh. Once they go to dry and ready to spread spores, let them alone. Of course, who can resist stepping on them and watching the "smoke" rise off the ground? Those are tiny spores, millions of them to take off and make more puffballs. I remember actually getting a chance to eat a slice of one that was the size of a basketball; imagine this giant mushroom but there's no catapillar, Alice. It was actually really good.
So, sleeping with a sunflower and eating puffballs for breakfast can be food for thought today. How many natural resources do you rely upon? Do you grow your own food? Questions to ponder today as you walk along the path to your destination. Enjoy! ~Momma

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thoughts and Goals

Wednesday is here-have we already surpassed two days? Yes, we have. Today is our day to bake, and we've not baked a cake in two weeks; who wanted to last week with the extreme heat? We would have baked right here in the house, along with the cake! A day to spend on the back porch once my "chores" are done, and taking each moment as it comes. Comtemplating plans for the ECHO and for our weekly trip to the library.
My thoughts this morning seem to keep going back to books that I'm currently reading. Granted I'm reading them in chunks, as being a busy SAHM (stay-at-home mom) doesn't give me the time to read like I once had but I take what I can when it comes to quiet time for myself. So far this week, my oldest is taking an afternoon nap-can we say miracle? This, when combined with a napping one year old is like heaven. So far, I've taken the time to catch a show I've been meaning to watch (Netflix) or catch up on my reading. During those times, I also found myself just sitting and thinking about many different things that color my world. My reading lists seem to jump to the forefront, though. I'm getting ready to close a chapter in my reading life with the online study I've been a part of for almost ten weeks now. Reopening old wounds, doors that seemed once locked for eternity are now flung wide open. Looking at my life, foregiving the hurts and disappointments. I feel as if I'm standing in front of a full length mirror, taking a good, hard and long look at who I am. Where I've come from and where I stand today; knowing these helps project me to where I'm going for the future. I am marked by my experiences, being shaped into the woman I am yet to become. Setting those Gucci bags of bitterness, fear, and despair so far is the hardest thing to do but will be the most rewarding for the rest of my life. I can't white-wash my past but I can learn from it and let it go so it doesn't control my present or my future. My present needs me and my future will be shaped by the choices I make today. Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner has been a good read. I wonder if I'll take part in the study to follow. We'll see what happens.
I've also been reading Kitchen Table Wisdom, and to be honest, its been a hard read for me. Dr. Remen weaves her personal experiences of being a Crohn's Disease patient into the fabric of some of her many patients going through their own experiences. Most, if not just about all, of the stories I've read have been about cancer patients. And each story is different, with the color of reality of what cancer does to the patient diagnosed and the people in their lives. This book came at a time when I needed it the most. My maternal grandmother-mom's mom-passed away on Good Friday this year, after seven months from date of diagnosis: pancreatic cancer. I saw her when she was first diagnosed and three weeks before she passed. I kept in touch by phone, sending pictures through texting so she could see my boys and their lives. Its not the same as being present but its what I could do as she went through hospital stays, procedures, and treatments. In March, she said enough. She had her fill of what modern medicine was-and wasn't-doing for her. As she has always been the matriarch of my mother's family, this is the hardest hit we've ever experienced. With three and a little more months having passed since she transitioned to an eternity in heaven (I'm truly convinced she's there), we are still in a mode of numbness. Family gatherings, special events-we stumble along like zombie cattle. She's always been the center of it all, doing whatever she could to make each get together a memory.
My reading is bringing me to a level of a sort of understanding of what was going on for her, how her passing is affecting us, and what it means to continue living-because this is what she wants for all of us. I feel spiritually raw, emotionally exposed. And yet, the small, still voice speaks to me of a time coming when true understanding is on the horizon. To help with this transition for myself, I'm reading a third book, based on meditation for women. What I've learned so far in life, we pray for answers, healing, help. What we don't do often enough is to meditate to hear the response to our petitions. I'm learning, I'm learning.
So, my goals? To finish the three books in question-please see my book list of spiritually inspired books (leave out the Shadows book, as I've not picked it back up just yet), and to move back into the world of reading, researching, and writing. I've rough sketched what I want to focus on, finding inspiration in events and opportunities that are presenting themselves presently, and going with the flow of life as to where I'll be in the times to come.
With these thoughts posted, along with a brief burp of my goals, I'm off to bake cake, clean the garage, play with some visual artwork on the back porch, and love every moment I have with my boys. Life is good. The cardinals call to each other, embraced by the morning's singing of robins calling the sun to rise, the blue jays sending the squirrels scattering, and the weather waxes and wanes, so we're going to do what we can today. Enjoy! ~Momma

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday Morning & Housework Almost Done

Here I sit, 20 mins before 8 AM graces our presence. My daily chores almost done; just dusting-my enemy-and mopping to finish off my list. I can't complain about how doing the Ten Min Method minimizes how my once a week chores are done-hhmmm, can you say so much faster now that I have those down, too? It took two weekends to get my Weekly Speed-Cleaning Chores into practice and not feel overwhelmed by the process; funny how something feels foreign at first glance, and then when you get your hands into the pudding, it starts to make sense. My current book of choice, The Family Manager Takes Charge, which I've listed on my reading list and have talked about in past postings, is where I continue to find the tidbits to get me motivated to give our home a facelift. The weekly chores are cut into groups, focusing on specific rooms with specific tasks. Here's a sample of my list.

-Wipe down large appliances
-Wipe down windowsills
-Disinfect trash/recycling cans, replace liners
Living areas
-Clean windows
-Recycle papers
-Plump up cushions
-Sweep & mop floors
-Strip & remake beds
-Change out towels
-Clean tub/shower
-Empty trash

A sample, like I said, as my list is actually longer than that. I don't exactly consider myself a domestic goddess, as I've always treated housework as, well just that: work. Yes, there are things to do each day, things that can wait to be done once a week, and even things that can be tackled a few times during the course of the year. Housework was always projected to me as drudgery, something to despise and leave for someone else to do. What I've learned is that being domestic is NOT being domesticated. You are not chained to the stove, forced to work in less than desirable conditions, and if you are, start rethinking why you're in that position. I didn't grow up desiring to be a housewife; I sort of fell into it. For me, organizing, decorating, gardening, and sustainable living practices gives me a different view of what it means to do housework. Now, I see it as artistic domestic skills EVERYONE should have some knowledge of. If you are part of a family unit, helping out shouldn't be view as waterboarding. No one is forcing you to pitch in, but the extra set of hands now and then do help. Afterall, family time spent having fun is better than grumbling over a chore or two. Who wants to spend family time cleaning? I've heard of families who clean together and have a good time but I gotta say, we're not there YET.
The sun is streaming through our front window, and the storm clouds loom in the back. With the forecast of a storm coming in today, its best to take advantage of the day and go with the flow. After all, my housework is done; I can spend the rest of the day with my boys and then when its time, make dinner and relax into the evening. Of course, its Task Master Tuesday, which means there's a list of other things to do as well but those things are not high priority; more like, if there's a moment of opportunity, I'll get to them. My guys won't be little forever, and every moment I've got with them now is priceless. So, to the homemakers of the world, enjoy the day, try to see chores as something more positive (easier said than done), and know that each day will not be like the day before or the days to come. ~Momma

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday Morning Catch Up Lists

Its Monday again. Recovering from the weekend today, with lists of things to catch up on, ideas to do with the boys, and taking each moment as we can. Some days, it seems like it never ends.
A good weekend to be had. Sun, trying to stay cool. Went to mass with just my preschooler; I think my one year old is in a nap cycle that will of course, change when he's ready to try something new. New things happening with the church, thoughts of maybe getting involved. I've got the once a week cleaning thing down that I've yet to share with everyone as to how it works and what applies to us here on our homestead. Taking notes to get caught up with my online study that I've embarked on for almost ten weeks now; should be good to finish next week. Its been worth the time. Brainstorming how I will tackle my next venture, which is to organize the garage and get back into the business of soap making and other products I've started a couple of years back. If there's a will, there's a way.
So, as this post will be a short one for today, you've read my rattle off of mental check lists, I leave you with this thought: when events and such pile up and seem to resemble a corner of a hoarder's house, how do you tackle what needs attention? Food for thought. ~Momma

Friday, July 22, 2011

Catching Up And Diving In

Wow, can you say its been a week? We downgraded our cable services, as we are looking and cutting into our budget these days; there's always a way or more to save money, and when it comes to needs vs wants, making the decision and following through can be groundbreaking. With other ways to watch shows we like or find new ones to follow, its not as bad as I projected it to be. Its amazing what you can live without. Personally, I have to admit, I'm hooked on tv. Not addicted but I could be denying that. When I don't have access to tv, it doesn't bother me. When I do, and its a full package to watch anything under the sun, look out. I could sit for days, in a daze. With changing our cable package, I can take it or leave it. The kids watch a couple of shows on VPT (Vermont Public Television) or a show on NetFlix. I catch something I like when I can. Otherwise, we're outside or sometimes listening to music. Change is good.
Tuesday, my Task Master day, was met with the usual go-get 'em attitude. Lists made, things done. Wednesday was hot death, as was yesterday. OMG....today is projected to be another hot one but down in humidity %'s from the last couple of days. Thankfully. Today is more about getting caught up with things but keeping our frame of Friday mind-going with the flow of the day. Days at the park and then diving into the kiddie pool have been great ways to get my boys to fall asleep by 9 pm at the latest and sleep most, if not all night. Can't complain about that. I'm also exhausted by the end of the day but I think it might be more heat related than not. So it goes.
I'm back into journaling, as I've been embarking on an online study these past eight weeks. A real eye-opening experience for me. Memories, questions, thoughts, fears, contemplation. Some things I've not wanted to re-examine but with time, it is paying off. Time to put the bags on the curb, open them, decide what really needs to be let go of, and move on with life. Yesterday, I set up my traveling easel on the back porch, next to my preschooler's easel. In the process of organizing the garage, I could only find two canvases that have already been stretched and treated (with paint typical for setting canvas to be worked upon), so I grabbed them and set one on my easel. With only oil pastels at my fingertips, I snapped those up and started working. My focus is the large red maple that sits in the very center of our backyard. There's something about that tree I just love. Not sure what it is but perhaps I'll discover that along the way.
So, here's to catching up and diving into the weekend to come. I can't believe its Friday already and wondering if other moms/women have those moments when you wonder where the time goes. Time waits for no one, therefore, its good to live and appreciate the priceless moments. Have a great day and fabulous weekend! ~Momma

"A tree is known by its fruit;
a man by his deeds.
A good deed is never lost;
he who sows courtesy reaps friendship,
and he who plants kindness gathers love."

-St. Basil (329-379)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Having a Heat Wave.....?

Monday comes with the potential of rain but high temps. I'd be ok with high temps, as I lived out in the upper mid-west years ago but its the humidity that will knock you flat here in New England. Of course, the south and deeper into Texas has a heat index I don't care for; no reason for me to leave the comforts of the green mountain state. I love mountains, green grass meadows, the lake....I do have a passion for the ocean but can get that from going to the Cape, part of Rhode Island, New Hampshire coastline. Maybe someday to visit the coastline of the Carolinas but only on vacation, not to live there. Guess I'm settled on where I am. I love to travel, to see new places but when it comes to returning somewhere, I know where home is. That being said, let's move on.
My mind is turning with tasks to jump on, dreams swirling in my memory from the last couple of nights, my desire to be creative, and my new niche of organizing are all sitting at the breakfast table this morning. Who invited everybody? Oh yeah, that was me. My mind is sketching a list of things, as usual. I spend time thinking while awake, dreaming while asleep; one of my sisters coined this comment a few days ago, and I agree with her. It is like that most of the time. That's why I love posting in the mornings. Clears my mind. Oh, here's my list....the mind list.

1. Start organizing garage
2. Gardening (transplanting & pulling bulbs)
3. Organize travel easel to work on creative moments (side by side with my preschooler's easel)
4. Pick up materials to continue organizing addiction

I finally figured out why organizing is finding a way into my life. I'm not embarking on this quest to impress anyone, not doing it because of expectations. I'm doing it because I have time to do so. Its about time for me; my boys are growing, showing fierce independence for what they can do at this time in their lives (four [almost] and one years old), which frees me up at times to tackle tasks I've left behind to give them my time. Now, I can hit those tasks, getting into stuff long put aside, which in the long run, especially being a mom whose intentions are to homeschool as long as I can, affords me more time with my boys; and in the end, more time for myself. All women need a time to recharge their internal batteries. I'm all for it, and a good night's sleep one of these days.
So, here's to today, its ever changing weather, my singing birds, my precious boys, and to the endless possibilities waiting to unfold. ~Momma