"From High Heels to Training Wheels"

I'm a woman on the threshold of 40, a stay-at-home mother, a small business owner, an artist, and practitioner of sustainable living. I believe a woman can be fabulous at any time during the course of her life journey, and wear various hats at any given moment. I invite my readers to stop in, catch up on the latest of what transpires weekly. Various topics to cover, as each day is an adventure!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Having a Heat Wave.....?

Monday comes with the potential of rain but high temps. I'd be ok with high temps, as I lived out in the upper mid-west years ago but its the humidity that will knock you flat here in New England. Of course, the south and deeper into Texas has a heat index I don't care for; no reason for me to leave the comforts of the green mountain state. I love mountains, green grass meadows, the lake....I do have a passion for the ocean but can get that from going to the Cape, part of Rhode Island, New Hampshire coastline. Maybe someday to visit the coastline of the Carolinas but only on vacation, not to live there. Guess I'm settled on where I am. I love to travel, to see new places but when it comes to returning somewhere, I know where home is. That being said, let's move on.
My mind is turning with tasks to jump on, dreams swirling in my memory from the last couple of nights, my desire to be creative, and my new niche of organizing are all sitting at the breakfast table this morning. Who invited everybody? Oh yeah, that was me. My mind is sketching a list of things, as usual. I spend time thinking while awake, dreaming while asleep; one of my sisters coined this comment a few days ago, and I agree with her. It is like that most of the time. That's why I love posting in the mornings. Clears my mind. Oh, here's my list....the mind list.

1. Start organizing garage
2. Gardening (transplanting & pulling bulbs)
3. Organize travel easel to work on creative moments (side by side with my preschooler's easel)
4. Pick up materials to continue organizing addiction

I finally figured out why organizing is finding a way into my life. I'm not embarking on this quest to impress anyone, not doing it because of expectations. I'm doing it because I have time to do so. Its about time for me; my boys are growing, showing fierce independence for what they can do at this time in their lives (four [almost] and one years old), which frees me up at times to tackle tasks I've left behind to give them my time. Now, I can hit those tasks, getting into stuff long put aside, which in the long run, especially being a mom whose intentions are to homeschool as long as I can, affords me more time with my boys; and in the end, more time for myself. All women need a time to recharge their internal batteries. I'm all for it, and a good night's sleep one of these days.
So, here's to today, its ever changing weather, my singing birds, my precious boys, and to the endless possibilities waiting to unfold. ~Momma

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