"From High Heels to Training Wheels"

I'm a woman on the threshold of 40, a stay-at-home mother, a small business owner, an artist, and practitioner of sustainable living. I believe a woman can be fabulous at any time during the course of her life journey, and wear various hats at any given moment. I invite my readers to stop in, catch up on the latest of what transpires weekly. Various topics to cover, as each day is an adventure!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday after the weekend holiday

Here we are, another Tuesday after a weekend holiday. That feeling of "What day is it?" lingers, and I have to double check my Color Notes on my Android to be certain its Task Master Tuesday. There is soooo much to do before Sunday, July 10, as we are having a celebration and family coming to join us. I have my rough sketched list of things that need to be completed before Saturday afternoon, and pushing for every moment of time spent purposely. Yes, every moment has purpose, including those moments of taking rest.
If you can believe this, I'm still gardening. The aspect of putting stuff into the garden spaces I have mapped out. Its July, folks. Most gardeners have all their stuff in, letting it grow and produce. Well, I'm there, too. Yet, also going by farm calendar and intuition. Intuitive gardening. Maybe I should teach a class on that. Today, my intentions are to try to plow-yeah, I said it-through however much ground I can cover and set what I can. I'm an optimistic gal.
I almost don't want to do it but I may have to give up on putting any level of organization to our garage. Seeing as my mate uses it as much as I do, there seems to be an ongoing pendulum swinging of boxes, carpentry equipment, etc...moving around each time either one of us goes out there. Yesterday, I went out to bring two terra cotta pots to the daylight so I could plant my patio tomato gardens. Because of the new building project my yang to my yin is undertaking, wood blocked my path. I moved one piece of plywood and almost bought it when a dominoes effect-like avalanche commenced in the shadows and sawdust. Good thing for cat-like reflexes. I came out unscathed, nothing was damaged or broken, and I got my flower pots. Yes, my tomato gardens are together and sitting on the front porch. Tomato plant in the center, surrounded by thyme or oregano, accompanied by pepper plants. So, how important is this garage organizing? Give me a day to ponder that one.
Some finishing touches on housekeeping, a little extra attention paid to the guest bedroom, and I'm done for the interior of the house. Good. Housekeeping is not a high priority for me. I'd rather spend time with my boys when they're awake and running as opposed to wiping down furniture or scrubbing the toilet. I can do those things later. My kids come first. When I do have those moments of cleaning, I juggle between the cleaning shackles and wanting to either work a few stitches on a new fiber project (in my case, ongoing ones that wait in a pile) or try to squeeze in a chapter on one of the many (and its always many) books I have on my ongoing reading list.
My secret desire before the weekend comes is the thought I have in mind to make myself a dress. Oh, I didn't tell you I suffer from Type A personality? Cat's out of the bag now. Yes, I want to make a dress that I wanted to make last year and couldn't find the time to do so, even after buying the pattern, fabric and waiting for the moment when both my boys would take a nap and I could get started. I'll have to see how this element pans out. Could be interesting.
As 8 AM looms in the foreground, my little one is preparing to turn 1 year old tomorrow, roughly around lunch time. To be exact, it would be 11:37 AM. He's taking steps these days, wanting to do everything he sees his big brother do. The baby I brought home is becoming a little boy. At the end of August, we will be celebrating another wonder in life. My big boy will turn 4, and his wonders and discoveries will become spotlight. I'm raising boys to be men.

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