"From High Heels to Training Wheels"

I'm a woman on the threshold of 40, a stay-at-home mother, a small business owner, an artist, and practitioner of sustainable living. I believe a woman can be fabulous at any time during the course of her life journey, and wear various hats at any given moment. I invite my readers to stop in, catch up on the latest of what transpires weekly. Various topics to cover, as each day is an adventure!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday and Cooling Down

At least today is cooler than the last two days have been. Extreme heat and humidity make it so a body just wants to seek out a moving breeze-any cool, moving air will do, really-and bask in it. Today, we can recover from that and make the most of the day ahead. No, today is not a task master day. Not necessarily a gardening day but could have some potential before the rain comes later today. I feel the need to sketch out a brief "To Do List" and take the day to wittle away at it. I have a few things to catch up on, so we'll see what happens.
Yesterday, a trip for a bag of popcorn (kernels to pop but not a microwave bag; we've since gotten rid of the microwave here) took longer than anticipated due to a car accident blocking our way. I felt sad for those being pulled from one of the cars as we waited to be redirected through traffic. I decided to turn around and go around. I've been in accidents but nothing to the degree of having to be placed on a stretcher and taken to the nearest hospital. Pray that I or my kids never have to experience that. Bag of popcorn secured, posting tabs for any of the books I'm reading-highlighting takes too much time for me-and we came back to watch movies for the rest of the day. Snacks, lunch, naps even; yes, my boys both napped at the same time, for the same amount of time, and woke up together to take on the rest of the day. Amazing. I managed a 20 minute power nap myself.
My preschooler is in need of baking a cake today, so its a carrot cake to smother in cream cheese frosting later on. Yummy. We have some reading to catch up on, along with reorganizing his flash card box. Maybe the pool before the weather turns. Ideas, ideas, ideas. Go with the flow, Momma. Make the most of every moment but don't fail to embrace the moments that come in a flash, and become memories before you can blink.
As my sentimental emotions begin to well, I come to the end of this post. I enjoy the time I set aside to write, giving myself a few minutes to empty my mind, to breathe and recharge. My day calls to me but not to just be a task master or crazy urban farmer. It calls me forth to embrace the day with my children, to make the most of the moments I have with them. To teach, to share, to experience, to laugh, to love. They are little now but will not remain so. Love endures.


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