"From High Heels to Training Wheels"

I'm a woman on the threshold of 40, a stay-at-home mother, a small business owner, an artist, and practitioner of sustainable living. I believe a woman can be fabulous at any time during the course of her life journey, and wear various hats at any given moment. I invite my readers to stop in, catch up on the latest of what transpires weekly. Various topics to cover, as each day is an adventure!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Time Flies

Wow, I've been away longer than I first anticipated but have no regrets for it just the same. We are now into September, barely, and I'm looking forward to the Fall weather and the days of preparing the gardens to rest. Our harvest is not quite the yield I'd hoped for this year but I'm not giving up; there's still the harvest yet to come. I'm now in the season of canning and preserving, so my focus has turned slightly. Also planting for next spring as the months roll along; yes, there's much to be done yet.
Homeschool adventures are ready to start back up again on the more serious note but with more play and fun this time; funny how it can take some time to figure out what works for your child and find the willingness to let go of what doesn't. Tristan, that's my preschooler, he's now 4 yrs old and he's a sponge for learning. My reserved child, he takes in his environment, studying on the visual level (very carefully) before jumping into anything. We went to a homeschool "Not Back to School" picnic yesterday, and it was great to see both of my boys play with children they only met yesterday. I found some materials to use, chatted with a couple of moms, and then after a swim in the lake, we headed for home to wash the sand out of every crevice it has a way of finding its way into. I'm looking forward to this year's learning, as I've learned to relax with teaching a bit, have trips planned, and researching projects and events. We will be attending new groups as well; I have a feeling my kiddos have gotten bored with the routine of places we've been going to for some time now. New adventures, here we come!
I'm back to reading again after a few days off, and in need of catching up with my spiritual enlightening list, my research list, and my leisure list. And speaking of books, we're changing our library day around. I know my boys love the library but have grown bored of going to "hear" story time and hang out; try keeping two boys who love the outdoors inside while its beautiful outside. Ever walk an untrained Great Dane on a silk thread? My passion for the written word is regaining steam, and finding time to read has its moments. Yet, as I'm finding myself drifting from the mindlessness of tv and movies, I'd rather have my nose in a book. I read to my kids, I read to learn something new for them and/or myself, and finally, finding time to read for enjoyment and clearing my mind. And my list of books I want to take from the library is growing; I keep a running list on paper and also my Color Notes on my phone. Forget it if I go through with going back to one of the biggest libraries in the area; their selection is so huge, it would take years to go through the shelves. Lastly, my addiction to finding free books that I can't pass up is growing. Yeap, I think the book exchange page could help.
Today, we're just going with the flow. I have to finish Tristan's calendar, things to take care of, tasks to complete, and best of all, we are leaving the biggest part of the day for fun. What other way is there to spend Friday? So, here's to Friday, to September, and to the days of Fall. Enjoy!


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