"From High Heels to Training Wheels"

I'm a woman on the threshold of 40, a stay-at-home mother, a small business owner, an artist, and practitioner of sustainable living. I believe a woman can be fabulous at any time during the course of her life journey, and wear various hats at any given moment. I invite my readers to stop in, catch up on the latest of what transpires weekly. Various topics to cover, as each day is an adventure!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Changes on the Horizon

There is always change taking place here on the (sub)urbran homestead. Changes in plans, changes in how daily functions flow along, you name it. I believe it to be the norm for any household but especially one with small kids in it. Afterall, if every day were the same, wouldn't we be bored by now? The change I speak of today started a couple of months ago.
We've lived here in our home for three years now. This spring, we experienced ground water seeping into our basement. Something we thought we would only experience for a few days went into weeks. We took turns making time to pump water out to keep ahead of any mold issues. Everything that was stored in the basement had to come out, including walls, a cedar storage closet, and a workbench. Suddenly, I found myself staring at everything I own, of which I wasn't heavily using, piled in the garage and on our back porch. I felt disheveled, misplaced. As time was spent to keep ahead of the water and sorting through boxes and piles to account for water damage and what needed to be thrown away, it ate away at me. It made me question my level of possession. Why did I have all this stuff? What was I going to do with it all? My time was so chopped up during the day, my kids picked up on my stress level. Suddenly, we were all stressed to the max. My boys wouldn't sleep on their own; one bed gets pretty crowded real quick. Tantrums, clinginess and crying, lack of sleep; we were spent.
It is almost July, and we are now dry basement status. We've put in a sump pump, which has helped immensely. For the past month, the focus has been the gardens, being outside to enjoy the weather as each nice day graces us with its presence. Things have calmed down considerably. Yet, the basement incident looms in the back on my mind. And that's why and what I write about today. I'm at a point right now where I could care less about using the basement. I go down there to do laundry, which is about all I can do down there right now. I dread going down there at times. Yet, the incident itself has brought change for us.
I had used a portion of the basement as a pantry. Convenient, cool in temperature and easy to access. With the water, it changed how we shop. We have gone from shopping in bulk for the larger portion of our trip to borderline extreme couponing. Now, for those of you who've watched the show on TLC, we are not there. OMG....I can't imagine shopping like that. Yes, we do stock up on what we do use but within reason. So far, yes it has saved us money. Saving money is important yet, I keep in mind: Life isn't about money. I keep to the simple life, even when I have my doubts about how to take care of those things that require that green stuff. This has prompted a double diet. A doubt diet and a 28 day detox; I'll post more about these later on. So, stay tuned.
Monday is beautiful. The sun is shining, the day calls for 80's and we have the day to play with. Gardening, schedules for July, August, & September for homeschool projects (yes, I school year round but not with the rigidity of public school), time in the pool, if naps happen (I can get caught up with some stuff), and just going with the flow of the day. Ladies, change is a double edged sword. It is good and it is revealing to the bone. It will test you and it will temper you to become what you are meant to be.

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