"From High Heels to Training Wheels"

I'm a woman on the threshold of 40, a stay-at-home mother, a small business owner, an artist, and practitioner of sustainable living. I believe a woman can be fabulous at any time during the course of her life journey, and wear various hats at any given moment. I invite my readers to stop in, catch up on the latest of what transpires weekly. Various topics to cover, as each day is an adventure!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What is Happening With Public Schools?

Wednesday greets us with sunshine and perfect temps before 8 AM. A trip to the library today to gather books for leisure, educating, fun, and just plain ol' pickin' up a good book. I think its great that there are electronic books out there on the market; I'd have one just for my magazines so I don't have that looming pile I have to decide what to do with once I'm done with the issues. As far as reading a book, though. Call me old fashioned but I love a good, gently worn spine. Turning the pages, the feel of the paper the written word is placed upon. Wondering the travels of the book before it came to me. Give me a dog-eared, non-conventional classic any day of the week!
I write today with concern as a parent, wondering what is happening with the education system. News reports flash across our tv screen talking about sexual molestations happening at an elementary school in our state. Children being violated by children. A child psychologist steps forward to state that this happens more often than we as parents actually know about. That doesn't sit well with me. How could I send my children to school, wondering all day how they are doing, how they are getting along with others, and if they are being bullied or sexually abused? Here's another valid reason I support homeschooling.
Another report, aired last night, covered the percentages of children and their performance in history class, specifically covering American history. Less than half of a group of 1700 were presented with three questions and were unable to answer them correctly. 1. What war did America fight Hitler? 2. Who is this man (Abraham Lincoln) and what is his importance in our nation's history? 3. What was the purpose and importance of the Proclaimation of 1763 (could be 1765, I don't remember @ this hr)? These children were fourth graders, and they couldn't answer these questions correctly. What is wrong with the system that a student can't identify a past president? I know learning starts at home, and the shape we're in as families today with the economy, the overwhelming need to have every new electronic on the market, eating fast foods & pre-packaged meals out of convenience isn't helping the situation. But to send your child to school and what they should be learning isn't working as it should? Here's your sign, Bill Engvel. Another reason, a highly valid one, for me to advocate homeschooling.
I know not every family can financially support making the decision to homeschool. At least that's how one feels when first examining the idea. I've been home with my boys since just before my oldest was born. Now, with my youngest reaching towards the threshold of his first birthday, being home is a bit tight but still worth the effort. I would work outside the home if quality daycare & preschool programs weren't through the roof with their rates. There's also a waiting list for the best ones. Which leaves me with the knowledge that I would be working to pay for daycare & preschool, forget about being able to cover my bills. So, I choose to work from home. Granted its not a steady check, there are no benefits, no vacations, etc....but the perk of being able to be home with my kids, know that they are safe, and I know what they are learning; its worth every moment of the day.
So, as our Wild Wednesday unfolds, breakfast is disappearing as quick as the coffee, its time to move on with the day. After a couple of good days of gardening, I can back up a step or two, make the most of the moments today, hug & kiss my kids, and feel blessed for all that I have.


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